
Common Searches

John W. Barriger III Papers Database Instructions

The complete contents of A Guide to the John W. Barriger III Papers in the John W. Barriger III National Railroad Library, have been entered into an online searchable database. This database allows searchability through three fields. Series, Subseries and File Descriptions.

View a list of the various series and subseries (11 Pages, 118 KB, PDF).

As described in the collection notes these fields range from the general series to the very specific folder descriptions. For a very general search the series or subseries fields should be used. However for a more comprehensive search it may be advisable to search the folder description field as well.

Keep in mind that information in the Barriger papers varies widely in both its depth and breadth depending on the subject or rail line in question. Therefore it will sometimes be advantageous to enter search terms into more than one field.

For instance a search for the “New York Central” in the subseries field will result in over 200 returns but when the term “freight” is added to the folder description field the results will be limited to 21.

Patrons are urge to examine the hardcopy version in order to gain an appreciation for the way in which the collection has been arranged.


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