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To request a virtual or in-person training for your team or department, please request a consultation to discuss your needs.

Constructive Conflict Series (Summer 2024)

Constructive Approaches to Workplace Conflict

Conflict is a natural and valuable part of organizational life. When approached constructively, conflict can enhance relationships, build trust, lead to beneficial changes, and spark new ideas. Goals for this session:  

  • Understand behaviors that can escalate and de-escalate conflict  
  • Explore the benefits and drawbacks of five main approaches to conflict 
  • Learn how to invite someone to have a constructive conversation about a conflict  

June 4, 2024

1:00pm - 2:30pm



Our Brain on Conflict: Moving from Paralysis to Analysis and Action

Many of us feel stuck, afraid, or immobilized when we experience conflict.  By understanding why this happens and analyzing the conflict, we can move past the paralysis and develop ways to approach the situation strategically and constructively.  Goals for this session: 

  • Understand how our brain’s reactions to conflict can lead to dysfunctional or destructive responses to the situation. 
  • Explore questions that help develop a more nuanced and compassionate understanding of the conflict. 
  • Learn strategies for moving forward in a constructive way. 

June 12, 2024

12:00pm - 1:00pm

On Zoom



The Art of Listening for Conflict Resolution

Active listening is a key skill for building trust, enhancing relationships, and resolving conflicts both in and outside of the workplace.  Goals for this session: 

  • Understand the barriers to effective listening. 
  • Learn to listen to ourselves to enhance our capacity to listen to others. 
  • Learn and practice a framework of listening effectively to others in situations when there is disagreement or conflict. 

June 20, 2024

1:00pm - 2:30pm 



The Power of Reframing

  • Reframing involves looking at a situation from a different perspective or changing the way we interpret it. Goals for this session: 

    • Understand the concept of reframing. 
    • Explore different types of reframes. 
    • Learn the benefits of reframing in conflict resolution.  


The Key to Unlocking Conflict

Shifting conflict from confrontation to collaboration involves curiosity and inquiry to uncover the underlying interests and needs. Goals for this session: 

  • Understand the core concerns that drive conflict. 
  • Explore strategies for uncovering underlying needs and interest. 
  • Learn how to move conversations towards collaboration.         

June 26, 2024

12:00pm - 1:00pm

On Zoom



 July 10, 2024

12:00pm - 1:00 pm

On Zoom



Mediation Skills Intensive Workshops

Mediation Skills for Constructive Conflict Conversations    

This 5-hour interactive training provides an opportunity to learn and practice a mediation process that can be used to facilitate a constructive conflict conversation as an impartial 3rd party. It is appropriate for people in supervisory positions as well as anyone who wishes to develop more constructive approaches to conflict. 

To make this training a success, participation is required for both sessions. If you must cancel, please do so by July 15. No shows without prior notification will be subject to a $25 cancellation fee (sent to your department). If needed, please seek approval to attend by your supervisor.    

This training is focused on process. In order to familiarize yourself with the necessary skills to effectively engage in conflict conversations, you will be asked to complete the Constructive Conflict Skills course on Canvas (approx. 1.5 hours). 

Finally, the training includes an online assessment (Conflict Dynamics Profile) that you will be asked to complete by July 19.  You will be provided with a copy of your individualized results to help you better understand your conflict behaviors. 

July 23rd and 25th

1-3:30 pm (both days, in-person)