University Archives Header University Libraries Photobar

SL: 1/55/1
(Departmental & Research Files, 1978-1995)
(Bulk of Records, 1984-1995)


Box 1:

1. Advanced Credit Campus Visit, 1990
2. African American Youth Antiviolence Conference, 6/18/92
3. APSA Annual Meeting--Chicago, 1989
4. APSA Annual Meeting, 1991-1992
5. Assessment of Urban Homelessness: Implications For Social Change, 9/86
6. ASUM (Associated Students of the University of Missouri, 2/91
Bi-State Development Agency--(see Folder 26)
7. Black History Project, 1978-1983
8. Blunt, Roy, 4/91
9. Brown Bag Lunch Series, 1990-1991
10. Budget Statements, 5/89-6/90
11. Budget Statements, 7/90-12/90
12. Budget Statements, 1/91-6/91
13. Budget Statements, 1992-1993
14. Buechner's Visit, 4/90
15. Calendar of Events, 1990
16. Categorical Listing, 1990
17. Center For Academic Development, 1989
18. CMS (Center For Metropolitan Studies) , 1989-1990
19. Center Staff, 1989-1990
20. "Challenge and Opportunity: Restructing Services For Missouri's Children," -John Ashcroft
21. Chancellor's Office, 1989
22. Churches United For Community Action (CUCA) , 1993
23. City of St. Louis Citizens Survey (Analysis Frequencies & Crosstabs), 1988
24. Clayton High School, 1991
25. Communications--Department Chair Finalists Interviews, 1989
26. "Comprehensive Performance Evaluation of the Bi-State Development Agency's Transportation Services to St. Louis County"--Final Report, 6/92
27. Council For Excellence In Government, 1991
28. Continuing Education-Extension, 1989-1990
29. Contributions, 1991
30. Cultural Diversity Workshop, 1992
31. CURRENT Campus Newspaper, 1989
32. Deficit Reduction Issue, 1991
33. Drug Use Forecasting in St. Louis: A Three Year Report, 1992
34. Earthquake Study, 1985
35. East-West Gateway, 1991-1992
36. Education Program, 1990
37. Equipment Inventory, 1992
38. Events, 7/93-6/94
39. Events, 7/92-6/93
40. Environment Solid Waste, 1991
42. Environmental Issues--Planning, 1990
43. Environmental Issues, 1990
44. Exhibitions in CMS, 1978-1990
45. Family Support Act of 1988, 4/2/92
46. Five Year Plan, 1989
47. Free Enterprise Fellowship Program, 1993
48. Fundraising--Grant Information
49. Fundraising--University Relations, 1987-1989
50. Fourth Annual Research Symposium, "Gateway to the Future," 9/92
51. Gender and Justice Survey of Missouri Attorneys
52. Graduate Assistant Evaluations, 1993
53. Graduate Committee, 1992-1993
54. Graduate School Information, F'93--Applications For Admission

Box 2

1. Grant Award Summary, 1990-1992
2. Grant Award Summary--Housing Partnership Program, 1990
3. Hause, Steve, 1990
4. Healthcare, 1989-1990
5. Health Care Reform, 12/91
6. Homicide Project (Richard Rosenfeld & Scott Decker) , 1992
7. Honors College, 1991-1992
8. Honors College--Dean Search, 1991
9. Housing Partnership Program--Correspondence, 1990
10. HUD, 1990
11. International Visitor Program (Participation List) , 1993
12. Interdependency of Urban and Rural Economies in Missouri, 1989-1990
13. Jaffe, Jim and Rostenkowski, Dan, 1991
14. Jefferson County Focus Groups, 1992
15. KWMU Search Committee, 1988-1989
16. KWMU General Manager, Patricia Wente, 2/89
17. KWMU General Manager, Regina N. Dean, 2/89
18. KWMU General Manger, Mark Conway, 2/89
19. LeLoup, Lance--short biography, 1989
20. Legislative Decisionmaking, 1989
21. Local Government and Public Administration Program, FY'91
22. Local Government Reorganization, 1992
23. Markowski's Visit, 1990
24. Mayhall Poll
25. Mayoral Forum--Voting Polarization in City of St. Louis, by Lana Stein and Carol Kohfeld, 1993
26. McPhail, Thomas L.--"Issues and Opportunities for Information Technologies and Telecommunications in Rural Areas", 1991
27. Metropolitan Coordinating Committee for Vocational Education, 1990
28. Midwest Consortium for International Security Studies, 1990
29. Missouri State Aid to Local Education, 1986
30. Missouri Business and Education Partnership Commission, 1990
31. Missouri Department of Public Safety, Grant Proposal--"An Analysis of Apparent Disparities in the Handling of Black Youth Within Missouri's Juvenile Justice System", 1989
32. Missouri Eastern Correctional Center, 1991
33. Missouri Financial Disclosures, 1990
34. Missouri Housing Policy--Research and Consultation, 1989-1990
35. Missouri Housing Policy--Research and Consultation, Correspondence, 1988-1989
36. Missouri Municipal League Annual Conference, 1991-1993
37. Missouri Policy Choices, 1991
38. Missouri Political Science Association, 1991
39. MMPA, 1989
40. Missouri State Advisory Committee U.S. Commission on Civil Rights, 1990
41. Missourians First, 1991
42. Monthly Report, 1989
43. Multicultural Diversity, 3/20/92
44. MultiEthnic Curricular Reform, 1990
45. Neighborhood Enhancement, 1988-1990
46. Non-Profit Organizations--Strategic Planning, 1992
47. Open House, 11/90
48. "Opposition Party Leadership and Budget Policy Making in the House of Representatives," an article for review by Lance LeLoup from the Leqislative Studies Quarterly, 1991
49. Park-18 Development Corporation Proposals, 1989
50. Poland Information, 1992
51. Poland, Mayor of--Wladyslaw Tomasz Lleswski, 10/91
52. Political Science, 1989-1990
53. Political Science Tenure and Promotion Review, 3/93
54. Position Announcement, 1990
55. Post-Dispatch Polling, 1991
56. Presidential Campaign, 1990
57. Pride in Citizenship (P.I.C.) , 1986
58. Prosposed Tenant Ownership of Public Housing: St. Louis Case Study, 1987
59. Proposition B, 1991
60. Public Policy Research Consortium, 1989
61. Public Relations Mailing
62. Qvortrup, Lars, 1989
63. Research, 1989
64. Test and Evaluation Anxiety: A National Problem in Ed. (R. Rhine) , 1992
65. Riverboat Gambling: Boom or Bust?, 1994
66. Roberts, Cokie, 1991
67. St. Louis Hunger Study, 1986-1988
68. St. Louis Hunger Study Charges, 1986
69. St. Louis Hunger Study Correspondence, 1985-1989
70. St. Louis Hunger Study Grant Application, 1988
71. St. Louis Hunger Study Interfaith Partnership, 1985-1986
72. St. Louis Hunger Study Literature Research Sources, 1984
73. St. Louis Hunger Study Meeting Notes, 1985-1987
74. St. Louis Hunger Study Miscellaneous Materials, 1986-1987
75. St. Louis Hunger Study Research Design, 1985-1987
76. St. Louis Regional Commerce and Growth Association, 1992
77. St. Louis Senior Challenge, 1990
78. Scholarship Information, 1990
79. School of Public Administration, University of Western Cape, 1992
80. Southwestern Bell Election Guide, 1992
81. State Research Mailing, 1992
82. Student Government, 1991-1992

Box 3

1. Urban Information, 1990-1991
2. Urban Social Institutions PhD Program--University of Milwaukee Wisconsin (1 of 3), 1990
3. Urban Social Institutions PhD Program--University of Milwaukee Wisconsin (2 of 3), 1990
4. Urban Social Institutions PhD Program--University of Milwaukee Wisconsin (3 of 3), 1990
5. Video Lectures, n.d.
6. Weekly Update--June, 1991
7. Weldon Spring/Kempf, 1990
8. Wildlife and Habitat Conservation Program, 1991
9. Woods, Harriet, 1989
10. Tax Policy, 1991
11. Testimonials, 1990
12. Touhill, Blanche, 1989
13. University Extension, 1989
14. University of Louisville, 1991
15. University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, 1990
16. Urban Affairs Quarterly, 1989
17. Urban Education Issues, 1990, 1992
18. Urban Extension Program--Black Leadership in St. Louis, 1989
19. Urban Extension--Project Questionnaire, 1991
19a. Youth Empowerment, 1993
19b. Youth Leadership Conference, 1989


20. Assessing the Effects of Employer Provided Day Care Benefits, 1991
21. Auto Plant Survey, 1992
22. (Bill) Bowhay Institute Legislative Leadership Institute Proposal, 1993
23. CECH Focus Group Information, 1994
24. Citizens For Modern Transit-Metrolink, Marketing and Ridership Strategies, 1992-1993
25. City of Ballwin--Survey of Ballwin Residents, 1993
26. City of Florissant, 1994
27. City of St. Louis--Survey of Opinions and Attributes About St. Louis, 1989
28. City of St. Louis--Agreement for Technical Services, 1988-1989
29. City of St. Louis--Regional Housing Alliance, 1991-1994
30. Comparative International Housing Finance, 10/91
31. Civic Progress--Regional Housing Alliance, 1993-1994
32. Civic Progress--Regional Housing Alliance, 1993
33. Choices in the Clinto Era, 1993
34. Community Development Agency--Housing Market Analysis, 1992-1994
35. Community Development Agency--Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing in St. Louis City and County, 1994
36. Department of Health and Human Services, Statewide Telephone Survey, 1994
37. Dubail, Judge, 1992
38. Dubail, Judge--Dioxin Study Respondents Correspondence, 1992
39. Earthways/McDonnell Douglas, 1993-1994
40. East-West Gateway, 1991
41. Economic Council--Service Contract, 1991
42. Economic Council--St. Louis Proposal, 1991

Box 4

1. Economic Council of St. Louis County--Defense Diversification Program, 1992-1993
2. Economic Council of St. Louis County--Defense Diversification Program, 1990-1992
3. EMT Associates--Drug and Alcohol Awareness Survey, 1992-1995
4. EMT Associates--St. Louis Prevention Partnership, 1994-1995
5. "The Facts of St. Louis--Extension, 1991
6. Fannie Mae, 1990-1992
7. Four County Mental Health Services, 1994
8. Gateway Trailnet--Telephone Survey, 1994
9. Gerontology, 1994
10. Grand Center--Jefferson City Survey, 1992
11. Grand Center--Sedalia City Survey, 1992
12. Greensfelder Hemker & Gale--Housing Discrimination By Realtors, 1994
13. Hurwicz Maxicare 65 Study, 1989-1992
14. Greenway Network, Inc., 1995
15. Hinsley, Christopher M., Princeton Project 55, 1992-1993
16. Housing Finance and Lenders Solvency--Correspondence,(1 of 3), 1991
17. Housing Finance and Lenders Solvency--Proposal, (2 of 3), 1991
18. Housing Finance and Lenders Solvency--Proposal, (3 of 3), 1991
19. Housing Needs Evaluation For Missouri--Proposal, 1990
20. HUD/SLU Community Housing Development Organization, 1992
21. Incorporation Study, Don Phares, n.d.
22. KMOX-Post Dispatch Poll, 1992
23. KWMU-Election Poll, 1992
24. KWMU-Healthcare Analysis--Proposal, 1994
25. Learfield Communications, Inc.--Missouri Net Poll, n.d.
26. Learfield Communications, Inc.--Correspondence, 1988 & 1990
27. Learfield Communications, Inc.--Agreements, 1985-1990
28. Legal Services of Eastern Missouri--Survey Legal Needs of Indigent, 1993
29. Low Income Housing Needs Assessment, 1990
30. Marketing Board Study, 1992
31. (MSD) Metropolitan Sewer District, 1992, 1994
32. Missouri Accelerated Schools Project, 1993
33. Missouri Botanical Garden, 1993-1994
34. Missouri Department of Conservation, 1994
35. Missouri Department of Natural Resources--Telephone Survey for Missouri Board of Architects, Engineers, and Land Surveyors, 1992
36. Missouri Police Chiefs Association, 1994
37. Missouri Research Assistance Act, 1986, 1989, 1991
38. "Modernist Still Life--Photographed," USIA Grant, 1991

Box 5

1. Mutual of Omaha, 1991-1992
2. Operation Safe Street, City of St. Louis--Baden Neighborhood Proposal, 1992
3. Pew Foundation, 1991
4. Poland--Building Government Planning and Administration Capacity, 1991
5. Power Program Proposal--Job Opportunities and Skills Pilot Program, 1989
6. Pragmatic Research--Public Transportations Surveys, 1992
7. Project Respond: "Addressing the Needs of St. Louis Children At Risk, 1991
8. Pulitzer Foundation--The Future of the Newspaper, 1992
9. Regional Arts Commission--Long Range Planning Process, 1993
10. St. Charles County, 1993
11. St. Charles County Community Council, Needs Assessment Framework, 1992
12. St. Elizabeth Medical Center, 1994
13. St. Francis County, 1994
14. St. John's Mercy Medical Center Clinic, 1993
15. St. John's Mercy-Survey Research Services, 1992
15a. St. Louis Area Homebuyers--Survey, 1990
16. St. Louis Center For International Relations--Survey of Business Persons re: International Activities, 1992
17. St. Louis Community College Perception of St. Louis Community, 1993
18. St. Louis County/City Housing Authority--Reasonable Rent, 1992
19. St. Louis County Housing Authority--Hope Planning Grant Services, 1993-1994
20. St. Louis County Planning Department--Multi-Family Complex Inventory and Intervention Program, 1992
21. St. Louis Economic Adjustment & Defense Diversification Program, 1991-1992
22. St. Louis Police Department--Evaluation of School Assistance Program, 1993
23. St. Louis Public Schools--Community Schools Needs Assessment, 1992
24. St. Louis Regional Consortium, COPC Program, 1995
25. St. Louis Regional Consortium, COPC Program, 1994
26. St. Louis University Medical Center--Headache Study, 1994
27. Special School District--New Environment Education Plan, 1993
28. Special School District of St. Louis County--Student Health Care Needs Assessment, 1994
29. State Housing Needs Assessment, 1990
30. Telephone Survey Stream Conservation, 1990
31. U.S. Department of Education, 1991
32. University Extension--Food Safety
33. University Extension--Information and Referral Strategies, 1991
34. University of Missouri-Columbia--Commercial Agriculture Program, 1993
35. UMSL Non-Returning Student Survey, 1992
36. UMSL Office of Equal Opportunity--Telephone Surveys, 1994
37. UMSL--Survey of Student Concerning Bus & Metrolink Ridership, 1993
38. Urban Extension Neighborhood Beautification and Home Improvement Project, 1992
39. Urban Extension Grant--Improving Service Delivery to Youth at Risk, 1991
40. Views of St. Louis: Metropolitan Area Resident and Business Perspectives For City of St. Louis, 1990
41. VICC--Desegregation Program, 1991-1994
42. VICC--RFP, 1991
43. VICC--Proposal to Provide Assistance, 1991
44. Proposal to Provide Research Services on Application, 1994
45. Volunteer Lawyers--St. Louis Artists Survey Live, Work, and Studio Space, 1992-1994
46. A World of Difference--Evaluation of Cultural Diversity Training, 9/92

Box 6


1. Fellows, 1985-1986
2. Fellows--Correspondence, 1985-1986
3. Fellows--Rejections, 1985-1986
4. Fellows, 1986-1987
5. Fellows--Rejections, 1986-1987
6. Fellows--Correspondence, 1987-1988
7. Fellows--Rejections, 1987-1988
8. Fellows, 1988-1989
9. Fellows--Correspondence, 1988-1989
10. Fellows, Adjunct, 1989
11. Fellows--Center, 1989-1990
12 Fellows--Correspondences, 1989-1990
13. Fellows--Center Applications, 1989-1990
14. Fellows--Center Letter, 1989-1990
15. Fellows--Center, 1990
16. Fellows--Meeting Agenda, 9/24/91
17. Fellows--Michael Stein, 1990-1991
18. Fellows--Donald Phares, 1990-1991
19. Fellows--Wartick, Matha L., 1992
20. Fellows--Marius Janson, 1992
21. Fellows--James T. Bush Center, 1990-1991
22. Fellows--Daniel J. Monti (Rebuilding the City of St. Louis),1990
23. Fellows--Regrets, 1990-1991
24. Fellows--Research Associates-Bush, 1990-1991
25. Fellows--Responses, 1990-1991
26. Fellows--Correspondences, 1990-1991
27. Fellows--Research Associates--Center for Metro Studies, 1990-1991
28. Fellows--Patricia Ann Resick, 1991-1992
29. Fellows--Ray Rhine, 1992
30. Fellows--George McCall, 1989-1992
31. Fellows--William McAlister, 1991-1992
32. Fellows--Edward C. Lawrence, 1991-1992
33. Fellows--Thomas Jordan, 1990-1991
34. Fellows--Barbara Graham, 1990-1992
35. Fellows--Dana Frank, 1991
36. Fellows--James F. Campbell, 1991-1992
37. Fellows--Michael Stewart Bailey, 1990-1992
38. Fellows--Letters of Regret, 1991-1992
39. Fellows--Letter of Offer, 1991-1992
40. Fellows--1991-1992
41. Fellows--Correspondence, 1991-1992

Box 7

1. Fellows--Correspondence, 1992-1993
2. Fellows--Annual Review, 1992-1993
3. Fellows--Letters of Regret, 1992-1993
4. Fellows--Nasser Arshadi, 1991-1994
5. Fellows--Michael S. Bailey, 1991
6. Fellows--Priscilla Dowden, 1991-1993
7. Fellows--Etzkorn, Peter, 1990-1991
8. Fellows--Timothy John Hope, 1990-1992
9. Fellows--William Oliver, 1991
10. Fellows--Gerda Ray, 1991-1994
11. Fellows--Dave Robertson, 1991-1992
12. Fellows--Fred Springer, 1993-1994
13. Fellows--Mark Stover, 1991-1993
14. Fellows--Applicants, 1993-1994
15. Fellows--Letters of Offer, 1993-1994
16. Fellows--Correspondence, 1993-1994
17. Fellows--Correspondence, 1994-1995
18. Fellows--Applied But Denied, 1994-1995
19. Fellows--Applicants, 1994-1995
20. Fellows--Decker, Scott, 1990-1994
21. Fellows--Glassberg, Andrew, 1994-1995


22. Artist Loft Survey, 1992

Citizens For Modern Transit-Metrolink

23. Bi-State Correspondence, 1992-1993
24. Focus Group Findings, 1992
25. Marketing and Ridership Strategies, 1991-1994
26. Marketing and Ridership Strategies, 1992-1993
27. Marketing and Ridership Strategies--Focus Group Transcripts, 1992
28. Transcripts on Disc
29. Transcripts on Cassette
30. Transcripts on Cassette
31. Transcripts on Cassette
32. Transcripts on Cassette
33. Transcripts on Video

Box 8

County Surveys

1. City of Ferguson Survey--Open Ended Data
2. City of Ferguson Survey--Miscellaneous, 1992
3. City of Ferguson Survey--Questionnaire Data, 1992
4. City of Lakeshire Survey--Open-Ended Data
5. City of Lakeshire Survey--Questionnaire, 1992

City of St. Louis--Citizens Survey

6. Analysis of Crosstabs and Frequencies, 1988-1989
7. Budgetary Information, 1989-1990
8. Business Survey Questionnaire--City Businesses, 1988-1989
9. Business Survey Questionnaire--Suburban Businesses, 1988-1989
10. Education and Communication, 1989
11. Education and Communication, 1989
12. Public Safety, Housing, Appearance (City) , 1989
13. Public Safety, Housing, Appearance (Suburban) , 1989
14. Transportation, Entertainment and Human Services (City), 1989
15. Transportation, Entertainment, and Human Services (Suburban), 1989
16. Correspondence, 1989-1990
17. Focus Group Research
18. Frequency Distribution (City), 1988-1989
19. Frequency Distribution (City), 1989
20. Frequency Distribution (Suburban), 1989-1990
21. Other Cities Surveys/Questionnaires (1 of 3), 1986
22. Other Cities Surveys/Questionnaires (2 of 3), 1987-1988
23. Other Cities Surveys/Questionnaires (3 of 3), 1988-1989
24. Other Surveys (2 of 3), 1986
25. Other Surveys (3 of 3), 1986
26. Policy Implications, 1988-1989
27. Response Rate Business Survey, 1988-1989
28. Visitor Survey Materials, 1988-1989

Community Development Aqency -Housinq Market Analysis

29. Analysis of Home Buying Trends--Draft, 1992
30. Analysis of Housing Market in City of St. Louis--Final Survey Results, 8/92
31. Roundtable Discussion, 1992
32. Telephone Survey, 1992
33. Reports--Drafts, 1992
34. Reports--Drafts, 1992

Box 9

1. Focus Group Tapes

Fair Housing: City and County

1. Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing--St. Louis County, 12/95
2. Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing--St. Louis County,(Second Draft), 1/95
3. Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing--St. Louis City, 3/95
4. Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing--St. Louis City, 11/30/94
5. Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing--City of Florissant, 8/95
6. Census Data, 1994
7. Census Data--Missouri State-Basic Demographic Trend Report, 1980, 1990
8. Census Data--Demographics, 1990, 1994
9. Census Data--Demographics/Statistics, 1990-1994
10. Comprehensive Housing Affordability Strategy (CHAS), Annual Report, 1992-1993
11. Discrimination Complaint Cases, 1994
12. Disposition of Loan Applications, 1992
13. Focus Groups, 1994
14. Home Mortgage Disclosure Act--Loan Application Data, 1993
15. Interviews
16. Licensed Driver Migration Study, 1994-1995
17. Metropolitan St. Louis Equal Housing Opportunity Council
18. Miscellaneous
19. Report, 1994-1995
20. Survey Questionnaire, 1994-1995

Fair Housing--Other

21. Bella Villa, 1992
22. Flood Plain Conference--Reinventing Flood Plain Policy, 1995
23. Flood Plain Conference--Reinventing Flood Plain Policy, 1995
24. Flood Plain Conference--Reinventing Flood Plain Policy, 1995

Box 10

1. Florissant (City of) , 1984, 1994
2. Florissant (City of)--Legal, 1995
3. Florissant (City of)--Single Family Dwelling Occupancy Permits Issued, 1995
4. Fair Housing--Cassettes
5. Fair Housing--Diskettes

St. Louis Economic Analysis Proiect (Economic Model)

6. Economic Model--Correspondence, 1989-1991
7. Economic Model--Correspondence, 1990-1991
8. Economic Model--Documents, 1990
9. Economic Model--Project Team Members & Proposal, 1990
10. Economic Model--Public Relations, 1990
11. Economic Model--Publications, 1987-1990
12. Economic Model--St. Louis Economic Adjustment & Diversification Program, 11/91
13. Economic Model--St. Louis Vitas

St. Louis Empowerment Zone

14. Budget
15. Building Communities: Together
16. Business Development and Human Capital Working Group
17. Contract, 1994
18. Information Technology/Sustainable Community, 1994
19. Mayor's Executive Committee
20. Meeting Minutes
21. Proposal Materials
22. Proposal Materials
23. Proposal Materials
24. Strategic Plan, Draft, 1994
St. Louis (County) Municipal Leaaue
25. Municipal League Computer Survey, 1991-1992

St. Louis County Power Program--(POWER)

26. POWER--Advisory Board Meeting, 1992
27. POWER--Billable Hours, 1990
28. POWER--Contractual Agreement/Proposal
29. POWER--Contract, Year Two, 1991
30. POWER--Correspondence, 1990-1993
31. POWER--Course Materials and Notes

Box 11

1. POWER--Data Forms-Blank (Year Two)
2. POWER--Diskettes
3. POWER--Field Notes-Olivia Young
4. POWER--Field Notes-Liz Sale/Jane Sweeney, 1990-1991
5. POWER--Future Programs
6. POWER--Intake Forms
7. POWER--Interviews (Follow Up)
8. POWER--Meeting Notes, 1991-1992
9. POWER--Participant Questionnaire
10. POWER--Proposal Ratings
11. POWER--Report (First Interim, Draft), 11/90
12. POWER--Report (One Year) , Draft, 7/91; Final, 11/91
13. POWER--Report (Final) , 8/92

Universitv of Missouri--St. Louis

14. UM-St. Louis Policy Survey, 1995

Voluntary Interdistrict Coordinating Council (VICC)

15. V1CC--Assessment of Student Performance and Attitude, Year 11-1992
16. V1CC--Correspondence, 1991
17. V1CC--Focus Groups--Background 1nformation-Settlement Agreement (School Desegregation)
18. V1CC--Focus Groups
19. V1CC--Focus Groups
20. V1CC--Focus Groups
21. V1CC--Focus Group #10
22. V1CC--Focus Group Discussions
23. V1CC--Focus Group Discussion Results, 8/93
24. V1CC--Focus Group Protocol
25. V1CC--Focus Group Report Drafts
26. V1CC--Focus Group #1, Hard Copy--l1th Grade City Transfer Students
27. V1CC--Focus Group #2, Hard Copy--llth Grade City Transfer Students at Sumner, Roosevelt and Cleveland
28. V1CC--Focus Group #3, Hard Copy--Parents of Ilth Grade Transfer Students
29. V1CC--Focus Group #4, Hard Copy--11th Grade Transfer Students
30. V1CC--Focus Group #5, Hard Copy--Parents of 9th Grade Transfer Students
31. V1CC--Focus Group #6, Hard Copy--9th Grade Transfer Students
32. V1CC--Focus Group #7, Hard Copy--llth Grade African-American Students Who Are Resident Students of County School
33. V1CC--Foucs Group #8, Hard Copy--llth Grade White Students Who Are Resident Students of County School
34. V1CC--Focus Group #9, Hard Copy--City Students
35. V1CC--Focus Groups--Diskette Documentation
36. V1CC--Focus Groups--Tanscripts on Disc

Box 12

1. V1CC--Focus Groups--Cassettes
2. V1CC--Focus Groups--Cassettes
3. V1CC--Focus Groups--Cassettes
4. V1CC--Focus Groups--Video Tape-City Students, 3/4/93
5. V1CC--Focus Groups--Video Tape-City Students, 2/9/93
6. V1CC--Focus Groups--Video Tape, 1/28/93
7. V1CC--Focus Groups--Video Tape-Claude's Group
8. V1CC--Focus Groups--Video Tape-Olivia's Group
9. V1CC--Focus Groups--Video Tape-Group #2
10. V1CC--Magnet School Participant Profile
11. V1CC--Magnet School-County Students in Magnet Schools By Resident District, 1986-1989
12. VICC--Magnet School-Comparison of % of Magnet School Students Enrolled By District and Public School Students Enrolled By District
13. VICC--Photographs
14. VICC--Recruitment Program Analysis, 1991
15. VICC--Report to Community
16. VICC--Report (Draft)- "Perceptions of Transfer Program: Focus Group Findings From Students and Parents, 3/93
18. VICC--Surveys
19. VICC--Surveys and Data
20. VICC--Survey Appendices
21. VICC--Survey Forms, 1991

Box # RC Location #

1 14127
2 14159
3 14160
4 14185
5 14290
6 14314
7 14331
8 14400
9 14493
10 14494
11 14557
12 14583

University Archives
222 Thomas Jefferson Library
University of Missouri-St. Louis
One University Boulevard
St. Louis, MO 63121