
Certificate in Conservation Biology

The Certificate in Conservation Biology is a multidisciplinary program of study integrating theoretical and applied topics associated with conservation biology. The certificate is intended for undergraduate students with majors in biology or in any other field who wish to develop a specialization in conservation. The certificate is offered by the Department of Biology in cooperation with the departments of Economics, History, Political Science, Social Work, and Sociology. Building on a core curriculum, students can elect courses from these departments to complete their requirements. Regularly enrolled undergraduates at The University of Missouri - Saint Louis or individuals with baccalaureate degrees who wish to receive a Certificate in Conservation Biology are eligible to participate in the conservation certificate program.

To participate, students must apply to the certificate program. Application forms are available from the Biology Department or on the links below. Guidelines for admission to the certificate program are also available. Individuals with baccalaureate degrees who are interested in this certificate must apply to the university as unclassified undergraduates. The certificate requires completion of 20 credit hours, Download course requirements. Students should consult the Bulletin with regard to prerequisites for any of the courses listed here.

Please fill out the appropriate application form below (word document) and send it to: pparker@umsl.edu

Conservation Certificate Application Form