
The Robert R. Hermann World Ecology Award Gala

Since 1991, the Whitney R. Harris World Ecology Center has hosted its one major fundraising event honoring esteemed professionals who advocate for the planet in their work or philanthropic efforts, the Robert R. Hermann World Ecology Award Gala. The Gala is an evening spent with our supporters and partners to celebrate the commitment and legacy of our awardees. On April 9, 2024th world renowned marine biologist and co-founder of the Monterey Bay Aquarium, Julie Packard became the newest Robert R. Hermann World Ecology Award recipient.

Impact: EDUCATIon, outreach, operations

Proceeds from the World Ecology Award Gala helped to:

  • Establish the Harris Center Scholarship, creating award funding for over 115 graduate students.
  • Directly establish or created the environment for multiple endowment opportunities. Endowments that have been formed as a result of the gala are:
    • John Denver Memorial Scholarship in Tropical Ecology
    • Jorie Butler Kent Endowed Scholarship
    • Jane Harris Memorial Scholarship in Tropical Botany
    • Leo and Kay Drey Scholarship in Conservation Biology
    • Peter H. Raven World Ecology Research Scholarship
  • Enrich funding for the Harris Center's flagship community outreach initiatives, the Conservation Forum and Lecture series.
  • Offset costs of Center staffing and operations for the University of Missouri-St. Louis. Harris Center staff, including directors, coordinators, and fellows, are paid solely from endowments within the Harris Center. This allows the University to focus funding elsewhere while offering an independent, unique, reputable research-focused center that boasts strong partnerships within our region that work together to create global impact.

The result of the Robert R. Hermann World Ecology Award Gala is an enduring legacy and commitment to education and our planet that has potential to influence our world now and for generations to come.

What is the Robert R. Hermann World Ecology Award?

Robert R. Hermann, Sr., was a highly engaged and enthusiastic supporter of the Harris Center and its vision. The Hermann family continues his legacy of generosity and enthusiasm for the Center and its students. 

The Harris Center presents the Robert R. Hermann World Ecology Award to eminent individuals who have made significant contributions to the protection of the global environment and to a better understanding of the balance between human habitation and the Earth's biodiversity. The first World Ecology Award was presented by Robert R. Hermann, Sr., in 1991 to recording artist, film star and activist John Denver, who accepted the award at the Center's first major event, a World Ecology Day held on the University of Missouri-St. Louis campus. Since that time, the Harris Center has presented the award to twenty-two individuals. To learn more about our awardees and their contribution to environmental efforts, click the photos below to read their stories.

World Ecology Award Winners

john denver

John Denver

jacques cousteau

Captain Jacques Cousteau

Prince Sadruddin Aga Khan

Prince Sadruddin Aga Khan

paul ehrlich

Dr. Paul Ehrlich

President Jose Figueres

President Jose Figueres

Richard Leakey

Dr. Richard Leakey

Dr. Jane Goodall

Dr. Jane Goodall

Ted Turner

Ted Turner


Gro Harlem Brundtland

Harrison Ford

Harrison Ford

Teresa Heinz

Teresa Heinz

HRH Prince of Wales

King Charles III

David Rockefeller Jr.

David Rockefeller, Jr.

Kathryn Fuller

Kathyrn Fuller

Peter H. Raven

Dr. Peter Raven

Beverly and Dereck Joubert

Beverly and Dereck Joubert

Dr. David (Jonah) Western

Dr. David (Jonah) Western

Howard G. Buffett

Howard G. Buffett

His Serene Highness Prince Albert II of Monaco

Prince Albert II of Monaco

Robert Bateman

Robert Bateman

Sylvia Earle

Dr. Sylvia Earle


Dr. E. O. Wilson



Missouri Botanical Garden



Saint Louis Zoo

Dr. Jaqueline Goerck

Dr. Jaqueline Goerck


Have a nominee in mind? 

Interested in attending the next Robert R. Hermann World Ecology Award Gala? Send us an email at harriscenter@umsl.edu to join a mailing list for the event!