Current Harris Center Associated Faculty in the UMSL Department of Biology:
- Aimee Dunlap, Associate Professor — Evolution of cognition, animal behavior
- Nathan Muchhala, Associate Professor — Plant-pollinator interactions, plant speciation
- Lon Chubiz, Associate Professor — Microbiology, microbial ecology
- Meg Humphries, Assistant Teaching Professor — Undergraduate education, research in conservation, avian malaria
- Jalene LaMontagne, E. Desmond Lee Professor of Botanical Studies — Mast seeding, climate change and tree reproduction, variation in habitat quality across levels of urbanization
- Blaine Marchant, Assistant Professor — Undergraduate education, usage of molecular analyses, comparative genomics, and microscopy to investigage plant reproductive biology
- Sara Miller, Assistant Professor — Evolutionary ecology of wasps
- Michi Tobler, E. Desmond Lee Professor of Zoological Studies — Evolution in extreme environments
Emeritus Faculty in the UMSL Department of Biology:
- Robert Marquis, Professor Emeritus — Community Ecology, plant-herbivore interactions, tropical ecology
- Patricia G. Parker, Professor Emerita — Evolutionary Ecology and Disease Ecology of wildlife
- Robert E. Ricklefs, Professor Emeritus — Evolutionary ecology and biogeography
- Peter F. Stevens, Professor Emeritus — Plant systematics, history of plant classification
- Zuleyma Tang-Martinez, Professor Emeritus — Behavioral ecology
Associated Faculty from our partner institutions:
- Ishan Al-Shehbaz, Ph.D., Curator and Head of the Department of Asian Botany, Missouri Botanical Garden — Systematics and phylogeny of the mustard family Brassicaceae (Cruciferae). E-mail:
- Matthew A. Albrecht, Ph.D., Associate Scientist, Center for Conservation and Sustainable Development, Missouri Botanical Garden — Conservation Biology, Restoration and Reintroduction Ecology, Seed Ecology, Climate Change, Ex situ Conservation. E-mail:
- Jeffrey Bonner, Ph.D., Emeritus President and CEO, Saint Louis Zoo — E-mail:
- Stanton Braude, Ph.D., Lecturer in Biology, Washington University — Evolution of social behavior in naked mole-rats in Kenya, conservation genetics of endangered African rhinoceros populations, steroid mediated immunoredistribution and enhanced wound healing, evolution of domestic dogs. E-mail:
- Rainer Bussmann, Ph.D., Head and William L. Brown Curator of Economic Botany, William. L. Brown Center, Missouri Botanical Garden — Ethnobotany and ethnopharmacology; medicinal plants, neglected crops, wild crop relatives and traditional crop varieties; seed and germination ecology. E-mail:
- Thomas B. Croat, Ph.D., P.A. Schulze Curator of Botany, Missouri Botanical Garden — Systematics and ecology of Neotropical Araceae. E-mail:
- Marshall R. Crosby, Ph.D., Senior Botanist, Missouri Botanical Garden — Systematics of tropical and temperate mosses. E-mail:
- Sharon Deem, DVM, Ph.D., Veterinary Epidemiologist, Saint Louis Zoo — E-mail:
- Christine E. Edwards, Ph.D., Assistant Scientist, Center for Conservation and Sustainable Development, Missouri Botanical Garden — Conservation genetics of rare plants; quantitative genetics of functional plant traits. E-mail:
- Roy E. Gereau, Assistant Curator, Africa and Madagascar Department, Director of Tanzania Botanical Research and Conservation Programme, Missouri Botanical Garden — Floristics and phytogeography of eastern Africa, systematics of Ancistrocladaceae; taxonomy and systematics of African Sapindaceae, systematics of Sapindales and clarification of family circumscriptions. E-mail:
- Peter Goldblatt, B.A. Ph.D., Senior Curator and B. A. Krukoff Curator of African Botany, Missouri Botanical Garden — Systematics and ecology of Iridaceae; Cape flora. E-mail:
- Michael H. Grayum, Ph.D., Curator, Missouri Botanical Garden — Systematics of Araceae; Flora of Costa Rica. E-mail:
- Peter C. Hoch, Ph.D., Curator, Missouri Botanical Garden — Systematics and evolution of Onagraceae. E-mail:
- Ivan Jimenez, Ph.D., Assistant Curator, Center for Conservation and Sustainable Development, Missouri Botanical Garden — GIS mapping, abundance and distribution of organisms at spatial scales from the small extents on which foraging theory focuses to the broad geographic extents characteristic of macroecology. E-mail:
- Peter Moller Jorgensen, Ph.D., Curator, Missouri Botanical Garden — Neotropical floristics and conservation; Passifloraceae, Olacaceae and Santalaceae; catalogue of Bolivian vascular plants. E-mail:
- Lisa Kelley, Ph.D., Director, Saint Louis Zoo WildCare Institute - E-mail:
- Elizabeth A. Kellogg, Ph.D., Danforth Plant Science Center and the Missouri Botanical Garden — Evolution of plant development; systematics of the grass family; evolution of genes and genomes. E-mail:
- Lea-Rachel Kosnik, Ph.D., UM-St. Louis - microeconomics, macroeconomics, natural resource economics, industrial organization, and public choice. E-mail:
- Quinn Long, Ph.D., Director, Shaw Nature Reserve, Missouri Botanical Garden — Restoration ecology, fire ecology, rare plant conservation, invasive species, seed addition, grasslands, woodlands. E-mail:
- Porter P. Lowry, Ph.D., Curator and Head of the Africa and Madagascar Department, Missouri Botanical Garden — Systematics of Araliaceae; flora and vegetation of Madagascar; flora and vegetation of New Caledonia. E-mail:
- Robert Magill, Ph.D., Curator and Vice-President of Research, Missouri Botanical Garden — Bryophyte systematics, evolution and biogeography, with an emphasis on mosses of Africa. E-mail:
- Robert J. Marquis, Ph.D., Professor, Biology, UM-St. Louis — Evolutionary ecology, plant-herbivore interactions, tropical ecology. E-mail:
- Eric Miller, DVM, Emeritus Director of WildCare Institute, Saint Louis Zoo — E-mail:
- James Miller, Ph.D., Senior Vice-President, Science and Conservation, Missouri Botanical Garden — Enthobotany and economic botany, particularly of Africa, Boraginales. E-mail:
- Olga Martha Montiel, Vice-President, Center for Conservation and Sustainable Development, Missouri Botanical Garden — Plant conservation and capacity building. E-mail:
- David A. Neill, Ph.D., Curator, Missouri Botanical Garden — Flora of Ecuador; Fabaceae of the Neotropics; quantitative inventories of tropical forests (permanent plots). E-mail:
- Patricia G. Parker, Ph.D., E. Desmond Lee Professor of Zoological Studies, Biology, UM-St. Louis and Senior Scientist, Saint Louis Zoo — Evolutionary ecology of wildlife and their parasites and pathogens. E-mail:
- David Powell, Ph.D., Director of Research & Director, AZA Reproductive Management Center, Saint Louis Zoo — Animal behavior such as social dominance, reproductive competition, and mating systems; as well as applied topcis such as animal welfare, animal husbandry, and studies of human behavior. E-mail:
- Peter H. Raven, Ph.D., Emeritus President, Missouri Botanical Garden — Systematics and evolution of Onagraceae, conservation, sustainable development, plant geography. E-mail:
- J. Leighton Reid, Ph.D., Assistant Scientist (Restoration Ecology), Center for Conservation and Sustainable Development, Missouri Botanical Garden — restoration ecology, tropical plant ecology. E-mail:
- Susanne S. Renner, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus University of Munich, Honorary Professor Washington University - biology. E-Mail:
- Robert E. Ricklefs, Ph.D., Curators Professor, Biology, UM-St. Louis — Evolutionary ecology; avian life-histories; avian demography, including aging; avian malaria; host-parasite interaction; island biogeography; phylogenetics; community ecology; historical ecology. E-mail:
- Jan Salick, Ph.D., Senior Curator, William L. Brown Center, Missouri Botanical Garden — Climate change ecology and ethnobotany. E-mail:
- George E. Schatz, Ph.D., Curator, Missouri Botanical Garden — Systematics of Annonaceae; flora and vegetation of Madagascar; plant conservation assessment. E-mail:
- Adam Smith, Ph.D., Associate Scientist in Global Change, Center for Conservation and Sustainable Development, Missouri Botanical Garden — modeling global climate change, limits on species range. E-mail:
- Ed Spevak, Ph.D., Cutator of Invertebrates, Saint Louis Zoo - E-mail:
- Peter F. Stevens, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus of Biology, UM-St. Louis — Systematics of flowering plants, especially those in the Old World Tropics. E-mail:
- Zuleyma Tang-Martinez, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus of Biology, UM-St. Louis — Chemical communication and social behavior of mammals. E-mail:
- Charlotte M. Taylor, Ph.D., Curator, Missouri Botanical Garden — Floristics of Neotropical Rubiaceae. E-mail:
- J. Sebastian Tello, Ph.D., Assistant Scientist, Center for Conservation and Sustainable Development, Missouri Botanical Garden — Biodiversity, macroecology, metacommunities, spatial ecology, null models, computer simulation models. E-mail:
- M. Carmen Ulloa, Ph.D., Curator, Missouri Botanical Garden — Andean Flora (phytogeography, floristics); Neotropical Berberidaceae, Andean Melastomataceae. E-mail:
- Henk van der Werff, Ph.D., Curator and Assistant Director of Research, Missouri Botanical Garden — Neotropical Lauraceae; Lauraceae worldwide; Flora of the Galapagos Islands. E-mail:
- Peter Wyse Jackson, Ph.D., President, Missouri Botanical Garden — Plant conservation, botanic gardens and endangered island flora conservation. E-mail:
- James L. Zarucchi, Ph.D., Associate Curator and Editor of the Flora of China Checklist, Missouri Botanical Garden — Systematics of Fabaceae and Apocynaceae. E-mail: