Research Grant Awardees
Spring 2024
Casey Ernest - Stephen M. Doyle Memorial Fellowship and John Denver Memorial Scholarship in Tropical Ecology - "Ecology and Population Genomics of Endangered Pecos Gambusia (Gambusia nobilis)"
Becky Hansis-O'Neill - Peter H. Raven World Ecology Research Scholarship and John Denver Memorial Scholarship in Tropical Ecology - "Genetic isolation of Aphonopelma hentzi in Missouri glade grasslands"
Soren Johnson - Stephen M. Doyle Memorial Fellowship and Osborne Family Travel Fund Scholarhip - "Determining the role of plasticity in the phenotypic divergence of a recently colonized cavefish (Poecilia mexicana)"
Raj Prasai - Harris Center International Student Award and Stokes Family Scholarship in Tropical Conservation - "Understanding the trapline foraging and acoustic call parameters of nectar-feeding bat Anoura caudifer"
Kristen Rosamond - Harris Center Scholarship and Peter H. Raven World Ecology Research Scholarship - "Influence of the gut microbiome on immune gene expression in House Sparrow (Passer domesticus) nestlings"
George Todd - Leo and Kay Drey Scholarship in Conservation Biology and Jane Harris Scholarship - "Investigating Sensory Ecology and Sensory Tradeoffs in Hover Flies"
Fall 2023
John Bender - Sandra and Virgil Van Trease Endowed Fellowship in Tropical Ecology and Stokes Family Scholarship in Tropical Conservation - "The Effects of Typhoon Mawar on Såli diet, Aplonis opaca"
Lindsey Dennison - Stephen M. Doyle Memorial Fellowship - "Investigating the importance of visual cues in flower detection for Anoura caudifer, a nectar-feeding neotropical bat"
Erik Johnson - Stephen M. Doyle Memorial Fellowship - "The Evolution of Morphological Asymmetry in the Livebearing Fish,
Xenophallus umbratilis"
Madison Smith - Thomas George Undergraduate Ecology Research Award - "Habitat disturbance in Ozark glades and effect on abiotic factors within burrows"
Spring 2023
Becky Hansis-O'Neill - Harris Center Community Partnership Jubilee Endowed Scholarship - "What do bumblebees know about getting a buzz? Caffeine use by captive eastern common bumblebees (Bombus impatiens) and wild bumblebees (Bombus spp.)"
George Todd - John Denver Memorial Scholarship in Tropical Ecology - "Using Insect Collection Speciments for Species Distribution Modeling and Testing Bergmann's Rule in Hover Flies"
Emily Beahm - Leo and Kay Drey Scholarship in Conservation Biology and Sandra and Virgil Van Trease Endowed Fellowship in Tropical Ecology - "An Investigation of the Sub-Lethal Impacts of Beauveria bassiana on Bombus impatiens Colonies"
Rieka Yu - Stephen M. Doyle Memorial Fellowship - "Linking variation in pollinator performance with plant population genetic and fitness patterns"
Belen Alvestegui - Jorie Butler Kent Endowed Scholarship and Peter H. Raven World Ecology Research Scholarship - "Intermediate Pollination Systems in Symbolanthus (Gentianaceae) involving Bats and Hummingbirds"
Raj Prasai - Harris Center International Student Award - "Understanding the foraging pattern and food location by nectar feeding bats"
Giulia de Gennaro - Mallinckrodt Graduate Fellowship in Tropical Ecology and Harris Center Scholarship - "Systematics and Evolution of Caribbean Lobelioids and their Pollination"
Anderson Spencer - Thomas F. George Undergraduate Ecology Research Fund - "Genetic Mapping: Assessing the Diversity of Aphonopelma hentzi Populations through Skin Molts"
Fall 2022
Kristen Rosamond - Doyle Memorial Research Grant and Peter H. Raven World Ecology Research Grant - "Influence of the gut microbiome on immunity in developing nestlings"
Binoshi Hettihewa - Harris Center International Student Grant - "Phylogeny and Biogeography of genus Physaria in North America"
Webster Heffern - Peter H. Raven World Ecology Research Grant - "Utilizing phase transitions in Escherichia coli to better understand population decline in response to abiotic stressors"
Spring 2022
Emily Beahm - Doyle Memorial Research Grant and Raven World Ecology Research Grant - "An Investigation of the Sub-Lethal Impacts of Beauveria bassiana on Bombus impatiens Colonies"
Jake Manis - Harris Center Research Grant - "Analyzing the lethal and sublethal effects of lead exposure on Bombus Impatiens"
Elijah Narimalla - Van Trease Graduate Research Grant - "UMSL Greenhouse Gas Inventory"
Andrea Trigueros - Doyle Memorial Research Grant and Harris Center Research Grant - "Limits on geographic range in non-native sparrows"
Fall 2021
Oladimeji Bada - Kranzberg Undergraduate Research Grant
Avery Baker - John Denver Research Grant
Anderson Spencer - Kranzberg Undergraduate Research Grant
Spring 2021
Giulia de Gennaro - Doyle Memorial Research Grant, Mallinckrodt Research Grant, Leo and Kay Drey Research Grant
Jeremy Howard - John Denver Research Grant, Stokes Family Research Grant
Owen Ireton - Kranzberg Undergraduate Research Grant
Kristin Ranker - Harris Center Community Partnership Fund Research Grant
Patrick Ross - Van Trease Graduate Research Grant, Harris Center Research Grant
Kristen Sheahan - Kranzberg Undergraduate Research Grant
Rieka Yu - Raven World Ecology Research Grant, Harris Center Research Grant
Fall 2020
Estefania Fernandez - John Denver Research Grant
Chris Fitterman-Harris - Kranzberg Undergraduate Research Grant
Webster Heffern - Stokes Family Research Grant
Kyle LaBerta - Kranzberg Undergraduate Research Grant
Juan Moreira-Hernandez - Kent Endowed Research Grant, Van Trease Graduate Research Grant
Sage Rohrer - Jane Harris Research Grant, Osborne Family Travel Research Grant
Andreia Trigueros - Harris Center Research Grant
Current Harris Center Fellowships
Christensen Fellowship
Belen Alvestegui
Giulia de Gennaro
Harris World Ecology Center - Saint Louis Zoo Collaborative Fellowship
John Bender
Kristen Rosamund