
Academic Resources

In addition to its central geographical location in the heart of America, UMSL is rapidly developing into one of the nation’s leaders in International Studies. The Greek Professorship is central to the University’s plan for internationalization.

Currently, UMSL offers unique advantages to students and researchers working on Greek Studies:

Library resources
The Thomas Jefferson Library has extensive holdings on Greek history, culture, art, and archaeology. Through the TJ Library students and researchers have access to the libraries of the MERLIN Consortium, including Washington University (hilltop campus), St. Louis Community College, St. Charles County Community College, Jefferson College, East Central College, Maryville University, Webster University/Eden Theological Seminary, Harris-Stowe State College, Fontbonne University, Logan College of Chiropractic, Missouri Baptist University, Covenant Theological Seminary, Kenrick-Glennon Seminary, Lindenwood University (Bridges LU) and other Missouri university and college catalogs.

The Matsakis Greek Culture Center. 
The Greek Culture Center of the Center for International Studies at UMSL is a unique effort to create a nucleus of Greek Studies in the American midwest. The Center houses a wide collection of books on ancient, byzantine, and modern Greece, a collection of CD-ROMs and multimedia sources of information, a permanent exhibition of replicas of ancient and Byzantine works of art, temporary exhibits by Greek artists, as well as archives for the history of Greek-American community of St. Louis. Admission to the Centre is free and open to the public during its hours of operation, offering newspapers and magazines from and about Greece, discussion areas, and, of course, Greek frappe coffee and baklava!

The Certificate in Greek Studies. 
In Fall 2003 the Senate of UMSL approved the Certificate in Greek Studies. The Certificate allows students completing 18 credit hours of coursework to receive formal accreditation equivalent to a minor in Greek Studies. The Certificate has two major focus areas: a) Greek Language and b) Greek history and archaeology.