
1. Pick your program

Picking a graduate program can be an exciting and intimidating process. Our academic departments are here to help answer your program questions before you apply so you can be sure your chosen path aligns with where you want to go intellectually and professionally. We encourage you to take time to read through our program options, read the applicant requirements and details, visit program webpages, and reach out to the listed contacts for support.

View Programs


2. Plan around your application deadline

Applying well in advance of your program's deadline provides you with plenty of time to complete your application and accommodate any unexpected needs. 

3. Collect materials needed to apply

All applicants must order their official transcripts to be sent to UMSL.

The Graduate School requires that official transcripts be sent electronically via eScript-Safe, Parchment, or Clearing House to gradadm@umsl.edu

If your college/university does not offer an electronic option, please use the mailing address listed below for official transcripts to be sent via US Mail.

Domestic Students International Students & International Universities
University of Missouri - St. Louis
Graduate Admissions
121 Woods Hall
1 University Blvd.
Saint Louis, MO 63121-4400
University of Missouri - St. Louis
UMSL Global
362 Social Sciences Building
1 University Blvd.
Saint Louis, MO 63121-4400

Domestic Students:

  • We require official transcripts from every college or university you have attended.
    • Do not order UMSL transcripts, as those can be pulled internally at no cost to you.
  • For our purposes, transcripts are counted as official only if they are
    • Ordered as "Official" AND
    • Are transmitted directly from the issuing institution to UMSL
  • You are encouraged to upload unofficial transcripts to your online application, in addition to ordering official ones, so processing may begin immediately upon application submission.  

International Students:

Bachelor’s Degree

By the time of enrollment, prospective students must have obtained a baccalaureate degree or the equivalent from an accredited college or university. A baccalaureate in a specific or related discipline may be required depending on the particular program. Specific courses may also be required depending on the particular program.

Grade Point Average (GPA) and Coursework

A minimum GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale is required to be considered for regular admission. A higher GPA may be required depending on the particular program. Students with GPAs below 2.75 may submit "supportive evidence" and letters of recommendation depending on the particular program.

If letters of recommendation (LORs) are required for your program, touch base with your prospective recommenders ahead of time as a professional courtesy. Once inside of the online application, you will be able to send out the official recommendation requests. Please double check what your specific program's procedure is for LORs.

  • LORs are usually submitted by professors, or someone who is able to evaluate you academically; supervisors, employers. Some programs specify who should be your recommenders.
  • You will enter the names and email address for your recommenders within the online application.
  • You can resend reminders to your recommenders AFTER you have completed and submitted your application. If you would like to resend a reminder please contact the Graduate Admissions Office at gradadm@umsl.edu or (314) 516-5458. 
  • Once the maximum number of recommenders are added to the application, the field will disappear until the application is submitted. 

Many graduate programs require applicants to submit standardized testing results. Please consult your program's requirements for details. Visit the GRE or GMAT websites to send your results to UMSL. Our school code is 6889. This will not automatically appear on your application. You must fully submit your application for us to be able to link your scores. ETS provides students with a free unofficial score report that you may send us until we receive your official scores. GRE scores are valid for five years.  After five years, a student will no longer be able to access the scores from their GRE account, and will be unable to send them to schools.

If you are unsure whether your scores have arrived, please email us: gradadm@umsl.edu

Most graduate programs at UMSL require that you submit supplemental documents. This includes but is not limited to:

  • Detailed statement of purpose/essay describing your goals 
    • There is a statement of purpose section located at the end of the online application. You may paste your detailed SOP (if required by your program) here or attach it separately as a PDF document
  • Writing sample
    • If your department requires one, you may upload it directly into your application.
  • Resume/CV
  • Supplemental/secondary application - usually department specific, located on the department website
  • Proof of licensure/nursing practice - for some Nursing programs

All supplemental documents can be uploaded in the online application while you are completing it or after you have submitted your application, unless your department specifies otherwise. Some may require that you upload it AND send it directly to their department. Always check the program requirements before considering your application finished.

4. Submit the Application 

Graduate applicants must submit an electronic application that requires about 15-20 minutes to complete. Once all required materials have been received by the Graduate Admissions office and/or the academic department, processing begins. Processing can take 4-6 weeks from submission of all materials to decision letter. This is true for both programs with rolling admissions, and those with posted deadlines (for the latter, processing begins when the deadline passes). Program faculty conduct detailed reviews of the application packets and recommend whether to admit each applicant. Some applicants hear from their departments that they have been recommended for admission, but this does not equate to admission. Please be patient, and await your formal decision letter from the Graduate School.

  • You can return to the application site and check on your application status at any time. Log back in with your email address and password and visit your status page.
  • After you submit your application, you will receive an email confirmation that provides additional details such as contact information and a reference number which you can refer to if you ever need to contact us with questions about your application. 
  • Should you have a question or should any situation arise that prevents you from applying or submitting the application fee, please contact our campus specialist in electronic applications, Nykea Watts, at (314) 516-6928 as soon as possible for assistance.

All applicants to the Graduate School must pay the posted application fee once. If you have paid the fee for a previous graduate-level application at UMSL, do NOT pay it again. Learn more about the application fee.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact our office: gradadm@umsl.edu or (314) 516-5458.

The Graduate School only waives application fees on the following conditions:

  1. The applicant has paid the Graduate-level fee before. This means they have applied to the Graduate School before and paid at that time, which we would have record of.
  2. The applicant is a veteran.
  3. The applicant is a Mc Nair Scholar, which they would prove by uploading the necessary documentation.
  4. The applicant has received a waiver code from an event or mailer, which is typed into the Statement of Purpose.

Sometimes programs will offer fee waivers to just their applicants. Please contact your academic department for more information. 

There are two categories of assistantships: Those that are program-specific, and interdisciplinary/nonacademic ones that are posted through Canvas and student email.


  • Download the application and email it directly to the director of your graduate department.
  • Some departments also require other materials, such as letters of recommendation, writing sample, GRE scores, in order to consider applications for assistantships. Be sure to check the program requirements.

Other Assistantships

  • Vacancies are sent out through Canvas and student email, when available.
  • These typically have their own unique application process that is explained in the notice. 

The Graduate School cannot accept assistantship requests. 

For more information on assistantships, please visit the Assistantship Information page.