Regular Parking Pass
Student parking is available at no additional cost for all currently enrolled graduate students. To obtain a parking permit, you will need to bring your TritonCard to the Cashier's Office in 285 Millennium Student Center (2nd floor of the MSC). In addition to the parking permit, you will be required to register your vehicle. You will need to know the year, make, model, and license plate number to be able to complete registration.
Metro Pass
Graduate students are also eligible to pick up a Metro Pass available in the Cashier's Office. Currently enrolled students may purchase a Metro Pass for $25.00. You must have your TritonCard to be able to use this Metro Pass and you are not allowed to loan this pass to anyone else. This pass can be used for both the Metrobus and Metrolink.
Daily Pass
Currently enrolled students, using a vehicle that is not registered with the university, can obtain a daily pass at the Office of Parking and Transportation (7700 Florissant Road) or print a temporary parking pass.
Visitor Pass
Visitors of campus, may pick of a daily visitor's pass from the Cashier's Office or the Office of Parking and Transportation for $1.
Overnight Parking
Students are allowed to leave vehicles parked on campus overnight if they have a current UMSL parking permit. You must park your vehicle in the MSC North Garage and complete an Overnight Parking Form.
Parking Tickets
Cars that do not have a parking pass visible or are parked in an illegal parking space are subject to a parking ticket by the Office of Parking and Transportation. Tickets must be paid or appealed within 14 days of the issue date.
Have Questions?
Office of Parking and Transportation
(314) 516-4190
Student Financial Services
(314) 516-5151