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Graduate Council

The Graduate Council reviews and makes recommendations on graduate fellowships, course proposals, new degree programs, along with revision and interpretation of the Graduate School rules and regulations. The Graduate Council consists of 15 members of the Graduate Faculty. Representation is apportioned to professional schools and divisions of the College of Arts and Sciences in proportion to the number of full-time Graduate Faculty members in each school and division. Each professional school and division containing Graduate Faculty has at least one representative. 

Academic Unit
Member Term Expires
Business Ho Kim 2027
Education Thomasina Hassler 2025
Education Becky Rogers 2025
Humanities Jill Delston 2027
Humanities Lauren Olin 2025
Humanities Scott Peterson 2027
Math/Natural Sciences Eike Bauer 2025
Math/Natural Sciences Sanjiv Bhatia 2025
Math/Natural Sciences Lon Chubiz 2026
Math/Natural Sciences Wendy Olivas 2027
Nursing Brittania Phillips 2026
Social Sciences David Kimball 2027
Social Sciences Donald Kridel 2026
Social Sciences Yuguo Liao 2026
Social Sciences Lee Slocum 2027
Social Sciences Kamila White 2025
Social Work Joseph Pickard 2027