Welcome to GRF 2025
The Graduate School sponsors a Graduate Research Fair (GRF) annually in the Spring semester. This event allows graduate students from all degree programs to display the research that they have been working on throughout their time as an UMSL student. We want our students to have a chance to show off their hard work and get feedback from fellow peers and faculty members.
GRF Frequently Asked Questions
I am an undergraduate student, can I participate?Unfortunately, this event is solely for graduate students. Undergraduate students are encouraged to attend St. Louis Area Undergraduate Research Symposium. More information
Check out the Student Research Office for more research opportunities!
How will the posters be judged?
- All posters must be set up by 1PM.
- All posters will be separated into 2 different categories:
- (A) math/computer science/natural sciences
- (B) social sciences/humanities/business/education.
- There will be separate judging for each broad category, and these categories may be subdivided further depending on the number of participants.
- Each poster is assigned to a team of three faculty judges who have a copy of the abstract in advance.
- There will be a couple of rounds of judging, depends on the number of the presenters.
Hint: Target your poster to a general audience, because you may have viewers and/or judges that are not from your specific area of study!
What should participants bring for their displays?
All students must bring any materials necessary to present their research (poster, easel, backboards, pushpins, etc.). The Graduate School will provide a 2' x 5' table for your poster only. In most cases, the best option is to use your own easel with your poster mounted on a 3' x 5' poster board.
Does my poster board have to be 3'x5'?
Yes, your poster board should follow the 3'x5' guidelines.
Where can I print my poster?
Students can utilize UMSL Printing Services on campus, Staples, or OfficeMax to print.
Are there prizes involved? CASH PRIZES!!!
I do not want to present, but I would like to see the research. Do I need to stay the whole time?
No (though we would love to have you there)! We encourage students to come and go as they please.
If you have questions or concerns, please contact:
graduate@umsl.edu or (314) 516-5900
Application Instructions
RegistER NOW for the GRF 2025!
Students that would like to see research and not present need not register.
Step One: Learn Expectations
- Read the FAQ tab provided- it's a helpful place to start!
- Next, click the Guidelines button for GRF expectations.
Step two: Abstract & Registration
Download the Abstract Approval Form and complete it in Adobe. Abstracts must be 400 words or less. Reduce length of Abstracts that exceed this word count. Follow the instructions provided in the form to complete it.
- Once the form is complete with signatures, it should be uploaded as an attachment into the Registration button below.
- Please use your unique SSOID@umsl.edu + password (same password used for MyView).
- Then click the Registration button.
- Once you have registered, and click on receipt of response after submission, then you will receive a confirmation email from Microsoft Forms. You will be contacted by graduate@umsl.edu to confirm acceptance into the competition after the deadline passes on April 8th.
Step Three: Prepare poster for GRF
- Please revisit the Guidelines and the FAQ tab above for important information as a presenter.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact The Graduate School at graduate@umsl.edu or (314) 516-5900.