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Updates to the Social Sciences Building (SSB)

This summer has brought some exciting changes! The Social Sciences Building (SSB) now boasts a brand new elevator, the SSB Tower is being demolished, and a significant amount of construction work is taking place on the Quad to improve access to the Thomas Jefferson Library.

Due to the construction, the usual route to UMSL Global (SSB 362) has been impacted.

Click here to download a map with visual directions.

How to get to UMSL Global:

  • Via Campus Shuttle:
    • Take the shuttle to the Express Scripts Hall (ESH) stop.
    • Upon entering ESH, take the stairs or elevator to the 2nd floor.
    • Proceed to walk through the glass breezeway from ESH to SSB
    • Upon entering SSB, you will be on the 1st floor. Take either the north or south stairs or the elevator (located at the south end of the building) to the 3rd floor.
  • From the West Drive Garage:
    • By foot, exit the garage on the third level.
    • Walk to SSB using the sidewalk to the west of the Thomas Jefferson Library. 
    • Upon entering SSB, you will be on the 2nd floor. Take either the north or south stairs or the elevator to the 3rd floor.
  • From West Drive street parking:
    • Enter SSB on the 1st floor through the loading dock entrance, or through ESH, or
    • Enter SSB on the 2nd floor via the stairs next to the loading dock.
    • Once inside SSB, take the stairs or elevator to the 3rd floor.
  • From Millennium Student Center (MSC) and other academic buildings:
    • Follow the path indicated on the map linked above.
    • If you are unable to navigate steps, after crossing the MSC bridge, enter Lucas Hall.
    • Upon entering Lucas Hall, take the elevator down to the 2nd floor.
    • Exit Lucas Hall at the 2nd floor and proceed to the breezeway between ESH and SSB and proceed to the left to enter SSB.
    • Once inside SSB, take the stairs or elevator to the 3rd floor.
Thank you for your patience and understanding during this transitional period. We are excited about the upcoming improvements to our campus, and can't wait to share them with you!