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UMSL Global is excited to announce the relaunch of the International Fellowship Program! Supporting the international research efforts of our talented UMSL faculty members is a central mission of UMSL Global. The Summer 2025 International Fellowship program is designed to strengthen UMSL’s internationalization efforts by supporting international summer travel for conferences, research, and creative endeavors through one-time investments of up to $5,000.00. The program aims to benefit all faculty who are traveling to engage in or present research/creative outputs that are international in scope and who may need to supplement their funding.

Application details coming soon!

Summer 2024 International Fellowship recipients
Summer 2023 International Fellowship recipients

Faculty Travel Banner


For more information on the International Fellowship Program contact:

Maggie Hook
Study Abroad and International Programs
UMSL Global



International Fellowship Program
APPLICATION:  Summer 2024

For full consideration, please complete the International Fellowship Program Application by February 16, 2024.

This program is designed to strengthen UMSL’s internationalization efforts by supporting international collaborative research and creative outputs through targeted one-time investments of up to $5,000.00 to support summer travel for conferences, research, etc. that are otherwise not funded by departments or existing grants. This program is designed to benefit all faculty engaging in or presenting research/creative outputs that are international in scope and who may need to supplement their funding.

Applications will be reviewed and awarded on a rolling basis. Any awarded funds must be spent before the end of the summer. All approved expenses will be REIMBURSED via the standard University Travel & Expense processes (appropriate MOCODE will be provided).

Please note: Funds may not be used to pay for partner expenses (e.g., a flight for an international partner to travel to the US). Funds may not be used to make technology purchases for you or your international partners.

If selected, UMSL Global will require feedback on our evaluation form within 6 weeks of project completion. We also request any photos of your international projects, partners, locations that could be used in UMSL Global Marketing efforts.

International Fellowship Program Timeline

Activity Timeframe
Call for Applications November 2023-February 16, 2024
Applications Due February 16, 2024
Panel Review and Selections Rolling Basis
Award/Decline Letters Rolling Basis



Q1: Can the February 16 deadline be extended?

A1: At this time we are not planning to extend the February 16 deadline. Interested faculty members are welcome to apply before this date, and the fellowship committee will review applications on a rolling basis. 

Q2: Can the funds be used for travel?

A2: Yes! You can use the funds for reimbursement of university-approved travel.

Q3: Can we apply for international conference registration?

A3: Yes!

Q4: Can the application have funding requests for 2 different projects?

A4: As long as the total request is within the $5,000 award maximum, yes.

Q5: Can funding be used to make technology purchases or to donate technology to a different country?

A5: No, funding cannot be used for technology purchase.

Q6: Can funding be used to fund travel for my international partner (e.g. for my partner to travel to the US or to meet me at my destination)?

A6: No, unfortunately, this does not fall within the scope of the funding.

Q7: Can the funding be used for course releases?

A7: No, funding cannot be used for course releases.

Q8: Can I receive a cash advance?

A8: No, all awarded funds will be reimbursed via the University Travel & Expense Reporting procedures. The appropriate MOCODE will be provided. 

Q9:When do we have to use the funds?

A9: Funding would need to be spent for the summer 2024. You can submit expenses for reimbursement from the time you are awarded until the start of the Fall 2024 semester. If awarded, you will will be reimbursed for approved expenses by UMSL Global, and you will work with your fiscal manager or delegate for travel & expense reporting.

UMSL Global Fellows

Anne Austin, Ph.D., University of California, Los Angeles
Assistant Teaching Professor, Department of Anthropology
Project: Archaeology research in Egypt.

Stephen Bagwell, Ph.D., University of Georgia
Assistant Professor of Political Science
Project: Data release for the Human Rights Measurement Initiative. 

Natalie Bolton, Ph.D., University of Louisville
Associate Professor, College of Education
Project: ASD Learner Profiles with American School of Dubai.

Susan Brownell, Ph.D., University of California, Santa Barbara
Professor, Department of Anthropology
Project: Research on Olympic Games hospitality in Tokyo.

Elizabeth Buchta, M.F.A., University of Notre Dame
Associate Teaching Professor, Department of Art and Design
Project: “Festival School Fundamental” in Germany.

Amber G. Candela, Ph.D., University of Georgia
Assistant Professor, Department of Educator Preparation & Leadership
Project: Professional development project for Kenyan teachers.

Bettina J. Casad, Ph.D., Claremont Graduate University
Associate Professor, Department of Psychological Sciences
Project: Research on post-Brexit U.K.

Deborah Cohen, Ph.D., University of Chicago
Associate Professor, Department of History
Project: “Loyalty and Betrayal” book project.

Angela Coker, Ph.D., The Union Institute and University
Associate Professor, Department of Education Sciences and Professional Programs
Project: Participation in ACA conference.

Michael Costello, L.L.M., Vrije Universiteit Brussel.
Associate Teaching Professor, Department of Finance and Legal Studies
Project: Development and promotion of inter-campus study abroad programs.

Rita Csapó-Sweet, Ed.D., Harvard University
Associate Professor, Department of Theatre and Cinema Arts
Project: Collaboration with filmmakers on genocide documentaries. 

Andresa De Souza, Ph.D., University of Nebraska Medical Center
Assistant Teaching Professor, Department of Educator Preparation and Leadership
Project: Training program in Brazil for parents of children with autism.
Project: Training program in Kosovo and Bosnia & Herzegovina for university students and clinicians.

Mary Edwin, Ph.D., Pennsylvania State University
Assistant Professor, Department of Education Sciences and Professional Programs
Project: Development of counseling partnerships in Nigeria.

Trilce Encarnación Ph.D., Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Assistant Professor, Department of Supply Chain Management and Analytics
Project: “Panic buying” during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Anne Fish, Ph.D., University of Michigan
Associate Professor, College of Nursing
Project: China partnership and insulin injection research.
Project: Healthcare providers’ response to COVID-19.

Jennifer Fisher, Ph.D., University of Missouri-St. Louis
Assistant Teaching Professor and Art Education Coordinator
Department of Art and Design, and Department of Educator Preparation and Leadership
Project: Paper presentation at the World Congress of the International Society for Education Through Art. 

Gerald Yong Gao, Ph.D., The University of Hong Kong
Professor, Department of Marketing
Project: Acquisition of firm ETC data and presentation of paper on bribery and firm performance.

Eiji Goto, Ph.D., George Washington University
Assistant Professor, Department of Economics
Project: Effect of monetary policy in the United States on industries in emerging markets.

Jean-Germain Gros, Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley
Professor, Department of Political Science
Project: Afro-Brazilian communities in West Africa.

Ruth Iyob, Ph.D., University of California, Santa Barbara
Professor, Department of Political Science
Project: Research on Horn of Africa and presentation of paper at the African Studies Association conference.

Shea Kerkhoff, Ph.D., North Carolina State University
Assistant Professor, Department of Educator Preparation and Leadership
Project: Professional development project for Kenyan teachers. 

Na Young Kong, Ph.D., University of Kansas
Assistant Professor, Department of Educator Preparation and Leadership
Project: Teaching English language learners.

Timothy Makubuya, Ph.D., University of Missouri-St. Louis
Assistant Professor, Department of Educator Preparation and Leadership
Project: Professional development project for Kenyan teachers.
Project: Herbal products usage and doping in Ugandan sports.

Stella Markou, D.M.A., University of Arizona
Associate Professor, Department of Music
Project: Folk tales project in Scotland.
Project: “Opera Under the Stars.”

Jennifer McKnight, M.F.A., California Institute of the Arts
Associate Professor, Department of Art and Design
Project: Presentation of paper at the Dementialab conference.

Lynn Navin, Ph.D., University of Missouri-St. Louis
Assistant Teaching Professor, Department of Educator Preparation and Leadership
Project: Professional development project for Kenyan teachers.

Uma Segal, Ph.D., Washington University in St. Louis
Professor, School of Social Work
Project: Dekasegi migration project in Japan.

Alina Slapac, Ed.D., University of Northern Iowa
Associate Professor, College of Education
Project: Research, international partnerships, international conferences.

Rachel Wamser-Nanney, Ph.D., University of Missouri-St. Louis
Assistant Professor, Department of Psychological Sciences
Project: Children’s trauma project in Western Cape, South Africa.

Gaiyan Zhang, Ph.D., University of California at Irvine
Professor, Department of Finance and Legal Studies
Project: Presentation of conference paper on creditor control rights.

Lara Zwarun, Ph.D., University of California, Santa Barbara
Associate Professor, Department of Communication and Media
Project: “Icons of Ukraine.”
Project: Use of social media to counteract propaganda in Ukraine's war with Russia 


Examples of past work can be located at the Institutional Repository Library website.

Academic Journals

Since late in 2003 UMSL Global has housed, with the Chinese studies professorship, two academic journals: Chinese Economy, which is published by Taylor & Francis, and China and the World Economy, which is published by the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. The editor of these publications is Hung-Gay Fung, Dr. Y.S. Tsiang Endowed Professor in Chinese Studies. A third academic journal was added in 2011: International Review of Accounting, Banking and Finance.