Welcome incoming exchange students!

These pages contain information about studying abroad at the University of Missouri-St. Louis as an exchange student. If you are interested in studying abroad at UMSL, please contact your home university study abroad office for information on how to apply.

Exchange student do not pay UMSL tuition and fees and are not eligible to obtain a degree from UMSL. International students who want to earn a degree from UMSL should visit the Office of International Student and Scholar Services (ISSS).

For more information about study abroad at UMSL, please contact:

Sejla Omeragic
Coordinator for Study Abroad and International Programs
362 SSB
University of Missouri-St. Louis
1 University Blvd, 362 SSB
St. Louis, MO 63121 USA
P: +1 314-516-5753

Application Instructions


Please contact your home university study abroad office for more information on how to apply to study abroad at UMSL.

International Offices

Please contact the International Exchange Coordinator before January 15 to determine how many placements are available for the following academic year. Then, nominate your student(s) to participate in the Exchange Student Program at the UMSL before the deadline below. All students participating in exchange, regardless of term, must be nominated before the deadline; however, Spring nominees will have until October to complete application materials. Exchange partner coordinators should inquire before nominating any graduate level student. Admission for Graduate Students is contingent on approval by Graduate School and Faculty Department. Additional materials are required.  This process takes a while so encourage your students to apply early. Students must be currently enrolled at your institution and be in good standing.

Nomination Deadline

  • 15 March - for students for the following year: Academic Year and Fall (priority Spring deadline)
  • 1 September - for students for the following year: Spring

Application Deadlines

  • 15 April - Fall semester or Academic Year
  • 1 October - Spring semester

English Proficiency Requirements

UMSL requires that incoming exchange students demonstrate sufficient English language proficiency to participate in university-level academics. All applicants for whom English is a second language must present evidence of proficiency in the English Language. Evidence of English proficiency may be demonstrated with a TOEFL (paper based or internet based) or IELTS score. If a student comes from an English speaking university where courses are taught in English, this requirement can be waived.


TOEFL minimum iBT score: 61 (PBT: 500, CB: 173)
IELTS minimum score: 5.5
ITP score is acceptable for an undergraduate student
Duolingo: 85-90


TOEFL minimum iBT score: 79 (PBT: 550)
IELTS minimum score: 6.5
ITP score is not acceptable for an graduate student
Duolingo: 105-110

All exchange students who are not native speakers of English will be given a placement test upon arrival. Based on the student's score, it might be recommended that they take EAP courses during the semester. EAP classes count toward exchange program credit hour limit but are otherwise free of charge.

Application Process

  1. Apply to study abroad at your home university. Your home university will then nominate you to study abroad at UMSL.

  2. Once your nomination has been approved, you must complete an online application. An application will not be considered complete until all originals are received. Materials sent directly from students will not be accepted. Materials must be in English or accompanied by an official English translation. There is no application fee. Application information includes:Welcome packets with your acceptance letters more information about studying at UMSL will be mailed following a successful review of completed applications.

        • Application and questionnaires
        • Official transcripts*
        • Photocopy or scan of passport
        • Proof of language proficiency/TOEFL results*
        • Immigration documents (Financial Support Form and bank statements) You must provide an official document from your bank or your sponsor’s bank or your scholarship donor. The statement needs to be on bank letterhead and signed by a bank official. The document should certify that you or your sponsor hold an account and have the minimum dollar amount in that account ($8,000-$8,700 US per semester). Financial documentation can be no older than six months.

    • Graduate applicants must also submit:

      • CV/resume
      • Statement of purpose
      • 2 letters of reference
      • Undergraduate AND Graduate official transcripts
      • Proof of bachelor's degree or equivalent (copy of diploma, etc.).
      • Note: A writing sample may be requested to help support application. Admission for Graduate Students is contingent on approval by Graduate School and Faculty Department. This process takes a while so apply early!
  3. It takes several weeks to process your application and to issue the immigration documents. Please be patient; we will mail your acceptance packet to you as soon as possible. 

    • Fall semester students should expect their packet in May or June.

    • Spring semester students should expect their packet in late November.

*TOEFL results and Official Transcripts: We will accept digital copies of official transcripts for undergraduate applications if sent by your home university coordinator or registrar. We cannot accept digital copies of transcripts sent by students. Graduate applicants must submit a hard copy of their TOEFL and transcript sent by their home university coordinator or registrar.

Cost Estimates

Exchange students should budget a minimum of $9,573 per semester or $18,543 per year*. Proof of funding is required for admittance. Estimates below are based on one semester or an academic year.

*These numbers are subject to change.

Health Insurance*Students may purchase a $25 metro transportation billed to their student account, this is a savings of over $200. More information on St. Louis public transit can be found on the Metrolink website.

Exchange students may use private insurance that meets the minimum requirements of the J-1 program. Students are welcome to purchase their own health insurance but are encouraged to discuss insurance requirements with UMSL Global prior to doing so.
Prices listed above are for Anthem Student Health insurance through UMSL.

Please direct questions about insurance requirements to Jim Webb.


Areas of study open to Exchange Students


Accounting; area studies; anthropology; art & art history; astronomy; biochemistry; biology; biotechnology; black studies; business administration; languages; communication; education; economics; English; graphic design; history; interdisciplinary studies; international business; international relations; music; legal studies; philosophy; physics; political science; psychology; public administration; public law; social work; sociology; tropical ecology; urban studies; women's and gender studies;  writing


Some graduate programs are open to graduate level exchange students while other departments may only have limited course selection available to exchange students. Exchange partner coordinators should inquire before nominating any graduate level student. Additional materials are required, and graduate applicants should apply as early as possible.

Areas not open to Exchange Students

Engineering, Optometry, Nursing

Credit hours covered by exchange

Exchange students are provided a scholarship that covers up to 15 credit hours of courses for undergraduates and 12 credit hours of courses for graduate students. Click the "Registration & Advising" tab for more information.

Course descriptions

A searchble Schedule of Classes lists courses available each semester. Click on "View public searchable class schedule" for guest access.

Screenshot image of the directions to view class schedule

The schedule for the upcoming year will not be posted until late March/early April. Please refer to the schedule for previous semesters to get an idea of what courses will likely be offered next year. Once classes have been confirmed, and students have been accepted to UMSL, they will be able to log in to their UMSL MyView account and search for specific classes by term.

The University Bulletin contains complete list of all courses at UMSL. Not all courses listed in the Bulletin are offered each semester or year.

Language Courses

No preparatory language courses are available prior to the start of the semester, but you may enroll in English for Academic Purposes (EAP) courses during the semester. These classes are included under the exchange agreement.

Registration & Advising

Credit Hours

Undergraduate exchange students are provided a scholarship that covers 12-15 credit hours. Students who wish to enroll in more than 15 undergraduate credit hours per semester will be required to pay any additional tuition and academic fees associated with the credit. Undergraduate students are eligible to pre-register up to 9 credit hours before arriving at UMSL (see acceptance packet for details).

Graduate exchange students are provided a scholarship that covers 9-12 credit hours. Students who wish to enroll in more than 12 graduate credit hours per semester will be required to pay any additional tuition and academic fees associated with the credit. Graduate exchange students are eligible to pre-register up to 6 credit hours before arriving at UMSL (see acceptance packet for details).

Students may take one online course with permission from the International Exchange Coordinator. In this case, students are responsible for additional fees associated with online courses. The scholarship will only cover the costs of your tuition as part of our exchange agreement. This does not cover any personal expenses or housing or other fees. No funds will be issued to you for reimbursement for any expenses here at UMSL.

Academic Advising

When you are accepted as an exchange student, you will be assigned an academic advisor at UMSL. They will help register you for classes and can offer general guidance, but please remember that UMSL advisors do not know what the degree requirements are at your home university. Please work with your advisors at your home university to make sure you are taking appropriate courses for your degree program.

Course Registration

Preliminary course registration happens through your UMSL academic advisor. To register for classes before you arrive, please email your advisor the following:

  • Your Student ID/Student Number, an introduction of yourself as an exchange student, and the number of semesters you will be attending UMSL.
  • Class Number & Title, Sections, and Times of the classes you would like to take.
  • You should also include some alternate course in case your first choice courses are not available.
  • Special Notes:
    • All students are assigned a staff advisor according to their major. To identify your advisor, visit umsl.edu/global (“Admitted Students” section) and click on “Advising.” There you will find the contact information for your department. A list of graduate program directors can be accessed at http://www.umsl.edu/divisions/graduate/future/index.html.
    • UMSL advisors do not know degree requirements are at your home university. Please work with your advisors at your home university to make sure you are taking the "right" courses for your home university.
    • The registration period is a very busy time for academic advisors. It may take 2-4 weeks for an advisor to respond. Please be kind & patient in all correspondence. 
    • Advisors do their best to register you for the courses you want, but they may have to make some changes if classes are closed or if there is a time conflict between classes. They can make one change to your schedule after you have registered. You will have to make any other changes after you arrive on campus.
    • After registering you, the advisor may email you a copy of the classes you have registered for or you can check in MyView for your course scheduleIf you are planning to register for English for Academic Purposes (EAP) classes, you will do this AFTER taking a placement exam during orientation. EAP classes are included and can be taken under the exchange agreement limit of credit hours.
    • Graduate students may take undergraduate courses. Undergraduate students may not take graduate courses.


At the conclusion of the semester or year at UMSL, you must request that your official transcripts be sent to your home university. You may do this online, in person, or by fax through the Registrar's Office. There is a $5 or $10 processing fee for each transcript request, depending on format. Due to US privacy laws, only the student can request a transcript.


Information about on-campus housing can be found at the Campus Housing website.

On-Campus housing fills quickly, so make your reservations early. You may be required to sign a two-semester minimum contract. Students participating in exchange for one semester only should email the on-campus housing agency to inform them their program is limited to one semester. All housing questions should be sent to the housing agency directly. The most common housing option for international students is University Meadows because these apartments have their own kitchens. Students seeking a more traditional American dormitory option often seek housing in Oak Hall, which has shared kitchens and requires you to purchase a meal-plan.

You can find apartments off-campus, but you should be willing to take public transportation. Staff members are unable to assist in the search for off-campus accommodation. 

Students at UMSL having a picnic

Arrival in St. Louis

Please plan to arrive Thursday-Sunday, two weeks prior to the start of class. The mandatory orientation will usually begin Monday, one week prior to the start of class. Official arrival dates and further details will be sent to all accepted students in their acceptance packet.

We offer an airport pickup only on the dates noted in your acceptance packet—you must submit a request online and live on-campus. If you are unable to arrive during these days or do not submit the Airport Pick-Up Request form prior to the deadline you will be responsible for finding your own transportation to campus.  As a courtesy to staff, please try to books flights with earlier daytime arrivals. We understand this is not always possible and will work to accommodate evening and night arrivals if made by the deadline. A taxi is the best way to arrive on campus if you do not requested an airport pickup. Some welcome activities and shopping trips will occur during the suggested arrival period before orientation.

Mandatory Orientation

Student Orientation

A one-week mandatory orientation session is held before classes begin in the Fall and Spring semesters. All students must attend orientation.


Buddy Program

Our Buddy program is currently not running. Don't worry though! UMSL is still committed to helping our exchange students adjust to life in the US. Airport pick-up is still available upon request. Our Ambassadors that work at Education Abroad will also be more than happy to help Incoming exchange students with any questions to living in the US. You will meet them at airport if arranging a pick-up, at orientation, and also on campus. Hopefully, our Buddy program will be back up and running in 2022.

Student Life

UMSL offers a variety of clubs and other student organizations that are all open to exchange students. More information is available on the Student Involvement website.

Recreation & Wellness Center

 Recreation and Wellness center at UMSL

All students have free access to the Recreation & Wellness Center on campus. More information on facilities and programs can be found at the Campus Recreation website.

Internships and employment

It is possible for exchange students to participate in an internship, but it must be unpaid and done for academic credit. Exchange students can also work on campus up to 20 hours each week. On-campus jobs can be found at the student employment website. Exchange students are responsible for finding their own internships and on-campus jobs.