The Missouri Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation (MOLSAMP) is a collaborative effort sustained by a coalition of seven public universities, one private university, and one community college to significantly increase the number of underrepresented minority students, (URM) statewide who complete undergraduate and advanced degrees in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics, (STEM) fields. This goal will be accomplished through the implementation of a variety of activities and cohesiveness among the individual campuses to promote the recruitment, retention, and graduation of URM students.
Increase minority graduates in science, technology, engineering, and math.
MOLSAMP is a collaborative effort sustained by a coalition of seven public universities, one private university, and one community college to significantly increase the number of underrepresented minority students, (URM) statewide who complete undergraduate and advanced degrees in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics, (STEM) fields. This goal will be accomplished through the implementation of a variety of activities and cohesiveness among the individual campuses to promote the recruitment, retention, and graduation of URM students.
The Louis Stokes Alliances for Minority Participation (LSAMP) is an NSF-sponsored program designed to broaden participation in science, technology, engineering, and technology (STEM) disciplines and increase the number of students receiving baccalaureate degrees and ultimately graduate degrees in STEM disciplines.
Emerging Researchers National Conference
Washington DC
Dates TBA
Annual MOLSAMP Undergraduate Research Symposium
Spring 2025
(More details forthcoming)
Mizzou Undergraduate Research Summer Program
Visit the website.
UMSL Undergraduate Research Symposium
Spring 2025
Date TBA
Visit the website.
Leah Menshouse Springer Summer Opportunities Program
Summer 2025
Application deadline January 17, 2025
Visit the website.
Siteman Cancer Center Plan to Enhance Diversity (PED) MOLSAMP Collaboration
Visit the website.
Registration information can be found on the Siteman Cancer Site.
Fall 2024 Virtual Seminar Series
The UMSL Science Complex includes the Science Learning Building extension. (Photo by August Jennewein)