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Literacy Sessions

Our Literacy Clinics provide reading and writing assessment and instruction to children, adolescents and adults in the metro-St. Louis community. This is a free service carried out by UMSL graduate students (classroom teachers) enrolled in the Master’s level reading courses and working towards a Missouri Special Reading Certificate. UMSL’s pre-service teachers (people studying to become teachers) also work in our Literacy Clinics. The structure of the Literacy Clinic varies depending on whether it is on UMSL’s campus, in a local school, or online.

Teachers in the clinic will use a variety of assessments to determine the reading, writing and spelling levels of the students.They develop an instructional program based in the sciences of reading/literacy designed to accelerate the student's literacy development within culturally responsive and multicultural frameworks. Parents and teachers are provided with a case study of the student's literacy strengths and growth at the end of the session. The Literacy Clinic does not provide diagnostic testing only.

Most students who receive literacy services are reading and writing at least year below grade level.

Educators in our Literacy Clinics strive to engage families in diverse ways. Families are invited to observe literacy sessions, to share their expertise, to co-create books, to participate in Author visits with their child, and to provide feedback at the end of the Clinic.

Click below to view Parent Evaluations:
Parent Feedback Literacy Clinic Fall 2021
Parent Feedback Literacy Clinic Spring 2022 
Parent Feedback Literacy Clinical Spring 2023   
Parent Feedback Literacy Clinic Fall 2023
Parent Feedback Literacy Clinic Spring 2024

“Both my children felt so comfortable and confident it was helpful in opening them up to take on the reading challenge.”

“My child really enjoyed the one on one interactions with a tutor. Providing one on one interactions seems to have the most impact.”

“We love that the teacher found interesting reading topics for my child and kept him engaged.”

“[My child] enjoyed his sessions and looked forward to them each week. He especially liked finding jokes to end the session with.”

The campus Literacy Clinic is located in Collabitat (formerly the Ward E. Barnes Library Building) which is on the South Campus of UMSL. The street address is 1 University Blvd. St. Louis MO 63121. See the “Directions” tab for more detailed instructions.


In collaboration with the E. Des Lee Endowment for Tutorial Education