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Writing Life


Join us in any or all of our low stakes writing challenges! 

Challenges are  designed to keep your daily writing habit in tact with the bonus of being encouraged by our GWP writing community.  GWP provides weekly prompts to keep you engaged.  Find us on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram @GatewayWriting to participate.

Writing Life Prompts & Challenges

 November, NaNoWriMo

In November, we encourage all teachers to participate in NaNoWriMo and to join us at one of our scheduled Write-Ins.    

 March, Slice of Life Daily Blogging Challenge

In March, we connect GWP TCs with the global Slice of Life Challenge and encourage each other to stick with the blogging challenge by sharing, posting, and commenting. 

 April, Lift-a-Line Challenge

In April, we celebrate National Poetry Month with words to inspire your own poetry.

Laura Dobbs,
Program Director
2017 Teacher Consultant

Madeline Cocos,
Program Director
2022 Teacher Consultant