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Topics in the Teaching of Writing

This UMSL course explores special topics in the practice of and pedagogy of writing designed for in-service teachers. Topics vary and may include writing at specific grade levels, writing/reading workshops, writing across the curriculum, action research, new technology, classroom and district-level assessment. This course may be taken for 1 to 3 credit hours and may be repeated once for credit if topics differ.  This course counts toward the Graduate Certificate in the Teaching of Writing.

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GWP Directors

Tracy Brosch,
358 Marillac Hall
1 University Blvd.
StL, MO 63121
(314) 402-1844 

Diana Hammond,
369 Marillac Hall
1 University Blvd.
StL, MO 63121

Katie O'Daniels,
302 Marillac Hall
1 University Blvd.
StL, MO 63121
(314) 516-5578