Missouri Writing Projects Network
MWPN is firmly committed to the belief that teachers are the key to educational change. The MWPN works to improve the teaching of writing in these key ways:
Each MWPN site identifies and selects master teachers of writing from all levels of instruction in its geographical area.
Each MWPN site brings these master teachers together on its campus for intensive Summer Institutes.
All MWPN sites base their programs on the following National Writing Project Assumptions:
Writing is pivotal to learning, to academic achievement, and to job success.
Writing instruction begins in kindergarten and continues through university.
Universities and schools in collaboration provide powerful programs for teachers.
Effective teachers make the best teachers of other teachers.
Teachers are the key to reform in education.
Professional development begins when teachers enter teaching and continues throughout their careers.
Writing is fundamental to learning all subjects.
Real change in classroom practice happens over time.
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GWP Directors
Tracy Brosch,
358 Marillac Hall
1 University Blvd.
StL, MO 63121
(314) 402-1844
Diana Hammond,
369 Marillac Hall
1 University Blvd.
StL, MO 63121
Katie O'Daniels,
302 Marillac Hall
1 University Blvd.
StL, MO 63121
(314) 516-5578