The CCC has provided consultation and professional development to Singaporean educators in collaboration with the Singapore Ministry of Education and the Singapore Principals Academy.
The Singapore Ministry of Education funded a two-year visit by See Moey Oh, to earn a Master’s in Education with a focus on Character and Citizenship. Ms. Oh returned to serve as a principal in Singapore.
The CCC has hosted numerous study groups to visit exemplary Schools of Character in the St. Louis Region, including an extended stay by Dr. Siva Thaiyalam, a Ministry of Education administrator.
The CCC is currently collaborating with the Citizenship and Character Research Group part of the Faculty of Education and Psychology at the University of Navarra to establish a Center of Character Education in Spain.
Juan P Dabdoub leading a vLACE workshop in Pamplona, Spain
January through March 2021
vLACE Graduation Day - March 2021
Previously, the CCC served as a consultant on a University of Navarra project to assess character education in Mexico, Argentina and Colombia, funded by the Templeton World Charity Foundation.
The CCC has a longstanding relationship with the Group For Research in Moral Education at the University of Barcelona.
The CCC has hosted sabbatical visits by scholars from University of Barcelona, University of Navarra (Pamplona), and Centro Universitario Villanueva (Madrid).
HTC Foundation (Taiwan) – The Center for Character & Citizenship (CCC) has had an ongoing partnership with the HTC Foundation in Taiwan to both promote quality character education in Taiwan and to support the general work of the CCC.
HTC has made a 10-year commitment to the CCC, has funded a multi-year project to create a blended learning version of our Leadership Academy in Character Education; brought a team of Taiwanese principals to UMSL for training; and supports professional development for Taiwanese educators in Taiwan by Dr. Marvin W. Berkowitz, CCC Co-Director.
The CCC has a long standing relationship with the Jubilee Centre for Character & Virtues at the University of Birmingham, England.
Numerous members of the CCC have been invited participants at conferences, consulted, provided written and video education materials.
Marvin W Berkowitz is currently an Honorary Senior Research Fellow at the Jubilee Centre.
Dr. Marvin Berkowitz and Dr. Amy Johnston gave a series of invited keynote lectures for the ‘Principals’ Roundtable’ at the UAE Moral Education Programme in Abu Dhabi, January 2019.
The programme was launched to promote "universal values," including the culture of UAE.
Supported by the Crown Prince Court of Abu Dhabi, the event is one of the Education Affairs Office’s initiatives to increase engagement with school principals.
The Center has hosted many international scholars on sabbaticals and other study visits, ranging from one week to one year. The scholars participated in a variety of activities depending upon their interests and professional goals such as conducting research, observing CCC programs, using CCC resources and learning from our expert staff and consultants.
Nina Barske (Switzerland)
Angela Lee (Taiwan), August 2004 – October 2004
Daniel Bloch (Switzerland), December 2006 – December 2007
Arthur Oyange (Kenya), May 2010
Masashi Koyanagi (Japan), September 2010 – August 2011
Tatiana Golikova (Russia), August 2011 – December 2011
Siva Gopal Thaiyalan, Summer 2012
Francisco Esteban Bara (Spain), August 2013 – September 2013
Desheng Gao (China), February 2014 – January 2015
Dae Man Ko (South Korea), August 2014 – July 2015
Elda Mª Millán Ghisleri (Spain), February 2017 – May 2017
Xuelian Chen (China), September 2017 – August 2018
Juan P. Dabdoub (Spain), March 2019 – June 2019
Densheng Gao
Nina Dreier-Barske
Daniel Bloch
Arthur Oyange
Tatiana Golikova
Francisco Esteban Bara
Siva Gopal Thaiyalan
Elda Millán Ghisleri
Xuelian Chen
Juan Pablo Dabdoub
Pramod Sai Talluri