Kara Long and Joe Nagel co-presented a poster titled "Effective Practices Used by Problem-Solving Teams to Assist Minority Students" at the NASP 2017 National Convention in San Antonio.
Kara Long presented a session titled "Advocating for the Equal Education of All Students: A Practical Guide for School Psychologists" at the 2016 Missouri Association of School Psychologists Fall Conference.
Katya Sussman and Rachael Woerther co-presented a poster titled “Building Social Skills One Lego at a Time" at the NASP 2016 National Convention in New Orleans. They previously presented at the 2015 Fall MASP Convention in Columbia, MO.
Jared Leppert, Kara Long, Rio Munro, and Nathan Puckett co-presenting a poster titled “School Climate Setbacks From Mental Health Stigma" at the NASP 2016 National Convention in New Orleans.
Kara Long and Joe Nagel are currently assisting Dr. Michael W. Bahr with research investigating the use of school-based problem-solving teams nationwide.
Katya Sussman will be working with Dr. Michael W. Bahr researching scoring procedures on written expression assessment.
Rio Munro was presented with the 2017 MASP Intern of the Year Award at the 2017 Spring MASP Conference in Osage Beach, MO.
Kara Long and Joe Nagel were presented with the 2016 MASP Graduate Scholarship Award at the 2016 Fall MASP Convention at UMSL.
GrASP was nomitnated for Organization of the Year at UMSL.
Joe Nagel was nominated to participate in the University of Missouri system’s Graduate Leadership Development program.
Katya Sussman was presented with the 2015 MASP Graduate Student Scholarship Award at the 2015 Fall MASP Convention in Columbia, MO.