Magen Rooney-Kron is an assistant professor of Inclusive Education. She graduated with her PhD in Special Education from the University of Illinois- Urbana Champaign in 2021. Prior to her PhD, she was a high school special education teacher in Chicago Public Schools. As a high school teacher, she developed a transition to work program to support students with moderate to significant support needs prepare for post-school life.
Magen's research focuses on promoting the participation of students with extensive support needs in high-quality work-based learning experiences that lead to competitive, integrated employment. She is also interested in understanding how policy initiatives, such as the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, can be leveraged to promote the transition of students with disabilities from school to work. Magen is a co-PI on a Transition and Post-Secondary Programs for Students with Intellectual Disabilities (TPSID) grant and as a Mentor for Post-Doctoral Fellows through a James S. McDonnell Foundation Grant.
Magen serves on the Editorial Boards of Research and Practice for Persons with Severe Disabilities, Career Development and Transition for Exceptional Individuals, and the Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation. As of 2024, she serves on the Board of Directors for TASH, the leading international organization focused on promoting the inclusion of individuals with the most significant support needs.
At UMSL, Magen teaches the Transition Issues and Planning and Inclusive Classrooms courses to pre-service teachers, masters students, and residency students. She also leads the Masters of Education with an Emphasis in Transition.