A teacher candidate must successfully complete all seven steps of the application process before they may be placed at a practicum site. It is solely the responsibility of the teacher candidate to correctly follow the instructions that are outlined below.
Candidates will submit their required documents and application materials for review via Kuali Build. Links to the appropriate forms will be provided by your Advisor.
Step 1: FCSR Background Check
You are required to go to the Family Care Safety Registry (FCSR) website to complete your registration online.
- You will pay $15.55 for a lifetime registration and will receive your background checks via email to the address you provide.
- You must upload your background check at multiple points throughout your program--as a prerequisite for Early Fieldwork courses, Teacher Education Program admittance, and Practicum placement.
- Checks must be within one calendar year to be considered valid.
- Although you may obtain lifetime membership, you must request a new check YEARLY by calling 1-866-422-6872.
- By law, no outside background checks can be accepted. Your background check must come from the FCSR.
Step 2: TB Test Results
You are required to get a TB test, which can be administered by the University Health Services in the MSC, Walgreens Take Care Clinics, the Department of Public Health, or by your physician.
- You must provide negative TB test results and upload them to at multiple points throughout your program--as a prerequisite for Early Fieldwork courses, Teacher Education Program admittance, and Practicum placement.
- As with FCSR background checks, the results are considered invalid after one calendar year.
- The test will be administered and must be read by the physician 48-72 hours after being administered, so plan your visit accordingly.
- If your TB test results are positive, you must provide us with a clear chest x-ray in its place.
- If you get TB test results from UMSL's University Health Services, be sure to scan and submit both pages of the 2-page document.
Step 3: Practicum Application / Academic Audit
You are required to complete a Practicum application, which consists of a fillable web form that will be sent to you from the Office of Advising. The web form includes fillable fields for personal information, a personal statement (prompt given), and document submission.
After you complete your Practicum application, your advisor will complete an Academic Audit.
About Your Academic Audit
Step 4: Substitute Certificate
You are required to go to the 'Educator Certification' section of the DESE website in order to obtain a substitute certificate.
- Register and obtain a six-digit profile number.
- Select 'Applying for a Substitute Certificate' and follow the steps to submit your application.
A $50.00 fee applies. - Send official transcripts that have a minimum of 60 credit hours. Your six-digit profile number must be included.
for example:
Educator Certification
Educator Profile Number: ###### (your number here)
PO Box 480
Jefferson City, MO 65102 - Get an FBI Fingerprint Check: In order to obtain a sub certificate, a teacher candidate must complete an FBI Fingerprint Check. Register with the Missouri Automated Criminal History Site(MACHS) Fingerprint Portal. When asked for a four-digit registration number, use 2300.
- Additional information regarding the Background/Fingerprint guidelines can be found through DESE.
Missouri Automated Criminal History Site
Background/Fingerprinting Guidelines
Step 5: Resume
You are required to create a professional resume and to submit it with your Practicum application.
- For assistance, you can visit the UMSL Career Services website on Resume Guidelines.
Step 6: Letter of Reference
You are required to obtain an authentic letter of reference from a person for whom you have worked, and you must submit this letter with your Practicum application.
*NEW* Step 7: Professional Liability Insurance / Membership
- The University and school district/agency policies require all teacher candidates to have current professional liability insurance during all field experiences and student teaching. Verification of current professional liability insurance must be provided. Insurance can be obtained through “student membership” in an educational organization that provides such insurance, or through a private insurance organization. The University does not promote membership in any specific educational organization. The College of Education recommends that you research (Google) Missouri Professional Organizations for Educators to find a complete list.
All documentation must be complete in your Practicum application by the stated deadline.