
Kathleen M. Haywood, Ph.D.

Margaret CohenKathleen M. Haywood, Ph.D.

Professor Emeritus

Kathleen M. Haywood, retired Associate Dean and Professor in the College of Education at the University of Missouri-St. Louis (UMSL) received her Bachelor of Arts (Psychology) and Master of Arts (Physical Education) degrees from Washington University in St. Louis. She received her doctorate (Physical Education/Kinesiology) from the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign with an emphasis in Motor Behavior.

At UMSL Professor Haywood served as the University Senate chair and as the Graduate Program Director before appointment as an Associate Dean. She also served as an Interim Dean of the College of Education. She is one of the faculty officers of the UMSL chapter of the University's all-discipline honorary, Phi Kappa Phi. Professor Haywood is a Fellow in the National Academy of Kinesiology.

Professor Haywood is an internationally recognized author in life span motor development. She published the first motor development textbook to take a life span perspective to motor development.  That text, Life Span Motor Development now co-authored with Nancy Getchell, is in its 6th edition and has been translated into Portuguese and Mandarin. The text is accompanied by a large number of web-based learning activities for readers.

Professor Haywood also published an advanced text in motor development, Advanced Analysis of Motor Development, with Mary Ann Roberton and Nancy Getchell. This is the first graduate-level text published in the field.

Professor Haywood also has published extensively on the instruction of archery. A text co-written with Catherine Lewis, Archery: Steps to Success, is currently in its 4th edition. Earlier editions were translated to French and Italian.  An earlier text with Lewis, Teaching Archery: Steps to Success, was also translated into Italian. Chapters on archery have also been published in Physical Activity and Sport for the Secondary School Student (6th ed.) and Principles of Safety in Physical Education and Sport (4th ed.). An additional chapter, Psychological Aspects of Archery, was published in an international text, The Sport Psychologist's Handbook: A Guide for Sport-Specific Performance Enhancement.