
How to Apply

Thank you for your interest in the University of Missouri-St. Louis College of Optometry. Below you will find important information regarding our admissions process including important deadlines for admission consideration. If you have additional questions please contact the Office of Student Services.

June 27

OptomCAS application opens for 2024-25 cycle

January 15

 Early deadline submission to be considered for Merit Scholarship

March 1

Last day to pay supplemental fee

March 1

Last day UMSL accepts completed applications

Please note that the verification of a completed OptomCAS application can take up to four weeks. The deadline for submission for the OptomCAS application is March 1st.

In addition, we do not accept paper copies of documents including, but not limited to: OptomCAS applications, supplemental application, transcripts or letters of recommendations. All materials must be submitted in electronic form to OptomCAS excluding the supplemental application which must be completed online.

A complete application includes:

  • OptomCAS application submitted and verified
    • Letters of recommendations received
    • All transcripts/grades reviewed and verified
  • Supplemental application
    • Paid and submitted
  • OAT scores (The College also accepts the MCAT, PACT, DAT, and GRE scores)

The College of Optometry uses a rolling admissions process when admitting students. Students are encouraged to apply early for consideration of interview. The admissions committee will review your application once it has been deemed complete.

Supplemental application and acceptance fees

Applicants are required to pay a $50 supplemental application fee. Applicants who are admitted will pay a $500 deposit to reserve their spot in the admitted class. Neither the supplemental application fee nor the deposit is refundable. The deposit will be credited towards tuition for the first semester.

Your application is reviewed on the following criteria:

  • Grade Point Average (GPA)
    • Science
    • Cumulative
  • OAT Scores (The College also accepts the MCAT, PACT, DAT, and GRE scores)
  • Letters of recommendation
  • Extracurricular involvement
  • Personal Statement
  • Shadowing (minimum of 20 hours is strongly recommended)

The Admissions committee will review completed files and determine whether or not the applicant will be invited for an on-campus interview. 

Thank you for considering the College of Optometry at the University of Missouri-St. Louis. If you have questions, please don't hesitate to call the Student Services Office at 888-EYE-UMSL (888-393-8675) or email Student Services.