This page is for optometry scholarships only.
For specific information regarding financial aid, please go to the Financial Aid website.
Outside Scholarship Information
Chancellor's Assistantship
Criteria: Entering optometry student based on grade point average, Optometry Admission Test (OAT) scores, interview for admission and letters of recommendation.
Value: $7,500 stipend
Renewable: Yes, for a maximum of one additional year
Application: Be admitted to the College of Optometry
Bellingrath Scholarship in Optometry*
An alumnus has graciously endowed this scholarship, which will be providing scholarships to three students each Fall. Students must be nominated by faculty, staff or alumni. If you have a student you want to nominate, you may do so below. Selections are made in May every year.
Jack W. Bennett, O.D. Scholarship
This scholarship has been established by the alumni, students, friends and faculty in memory of Dean Bennett. Gifts in his memory will benefit students in memory of his life's work &endash; optometric education.
Helen L. Gadell Scholarship in Optometry
This scholarship was established by an alumnus of the University of Missouri-St. Louis to honor his mother. It will fund one student each Fall.
Criteria: Full-time optometry student beginning the third or fourth year of the program. Student must have a minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.0 and demonstrate financial need as determined by the Free Application for Federal Student Aid.
Value: $500
Renewable: No
Application: FAFSA processed and submitted to the University by the priority deadline of May 1.
Mary M. Gilbert Scholarship in Optometry
This scholarship was established by Mrs. Gilbert, a long-time friend of the College of Optometry and of UM-St. Louis, to help an optometry student who is a member of the AAOS or the AOSA.
Dr. William R. Jackson, Jr., Memorial Scholarship in Optometry
A scholarship endowed by the bequest of a Missouri optometrist to assist Missouri residents.
Administered by: The College of Optometry
Criteria: Optometry student who is a Missouri resident. The student must be in good standing.
Value: Less than $500/year
Renewable: May be re-awarded
Application: Be admitted to the College of Optometry and have FAFSA processed and submitted to the University by the priority deadline of May 1.
Administered by: The Missouri Optometric Foundation
Criteria: Second year optometry student who is a Missouri resident and have FAFSA processed and submitted to the University by the priority deadline of May 1.
Value: $1,000 - $2000 (varies)
Renewable: No
Application: None
Robert A. Koetting Scholarship for Beginning Fourth Year Optometry Students
Dr. Koetting and his friends endowed this scholarship to assist a fourth year student member of AOA or AAO.
Criteria: Optometry student attending full-time and will enter their 4th year in the fall semester with a minimum grade point average of 3.5 and student member of the American Academy of Optometry and/or of the American Optometric Student Association.
Value: $1,000
Renewable: No
Application: Contact Student Affairs Office
Optometry Scholarship
This fund accepts gifts from alumni and friends.
Criteria: Optometry student who demonstrates academic achievement and financial need.
Value: Varies
Renewable: May be re-awarded
Application: Be admitted to the College of Optometry and have FAFSA processed and submitted to the University by the priority deadline of May 1.
Scholarships for Disadvantaged Students
Criteria: Full-time optometry students with exceptional financial need who are African-American, Hispanic, Native Alaskan or American or from disadvantaged backgrounds.
Value: Varies
Renewable: Must Reapply
Application: Have FAFSA processed and submitted to the University with parental information by the priority deadline of May 1.
A. M. Skeffington Memorial Scholarship
With the commitment of Dr. Robert Mobley, the optometry community raises money for a $2,100 annual scholarship for an optometry student.
Criteria: Optometry student who in their 3rd year best demonstrates acumen and interest in pursuing the specialty of the Optometric Extension Program which includes binocular vision, vision perception and vision therapy.
Value: $2100
Renewable: No
Application None
Women in Optometry Scholarship
This scholarship was established by an optometry alumna and a Friend of the College who both hope other alumni and friends also will contribute to support this fund. One first year student with demonstrated financial need will receive this scholarship each year.
Criteria: Demonstrated greatest financial need as determined by the UM-St. Louis Office of Student Financial Aid. Preference given for a female student. Scholarship is applied to student fees. Scholarship is renewable only if student must repeat his/her first year and still meets the financial need criteria.
Value: $500
Renewable: No
Application: None
*To nominate a current student for the Bellingrath Scholarship, please provide the student's name, year, and your name and affiliation with the school (e.g., alum, faculty or staff) to Aric Hamilton.
To send a gift to any one of these scholarships, please send a check payable to UM-St. Louis and please note on the memo line into which scholarship account you want the gift to go. Please mail it to:
UMSL College of Optometry
Aric Hamilton
Student Services / 317 Marillac Hall
One University Blvd.
St. Louis MO 63121
If you have any questions, please email or call Aric Hamilton at (314) 516-4543.
This page is for optometry scholarships only.
For specific information regarding financial aid, please go to the Financial Aid website.