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Pierre Laclede Honors College Student Association (PLHCSA)

The Pierre Laclede Honors College Student Association (PLHCSA) is the student organization of the Honors College.

We aim to promote social interactions and relationships between the faculty, staff and students of the Honors College. We accomplish this through exciting and innovative social programming, which help students grow socially and intellectually outside of the classroom. In addition to planning social events, we sponsor a local charity each year and work to raise awareness for our chosen charity through service events, donation drives, and other community outreach events.
All Honors students are automatically granted membership in PLHCSA and are eligible to run for PLHCSA executive board positions (listed below) each year in April.


Want to stay in the loop and learn more about PLHCSA? Follow us on social media!

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2024-25 Executive Board:

President -  Abby Wall

Vice President -   Lana Jabr

Secretary -  Kinsey Henrichsen

SGA Representative - Josiah Ayres

Treasurer - Note Hoenig

Service Chair - Lauren Tremusini

Publicity Chair - Meredith Stroud

Social Media Chari - Abi Linton

Faculty Advisor: Kate Votaw