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OASIS Programs at UMSL

OASIS logoContinuing Education has teamed up with OASIS to offer challenging programs and opportunities for continued personal growth.
OASIS is a national nonprofit educational organization designed to enhance the quality of life for mature adults.


Private Mercantile Library Special Collections Tour
Wednesday, July 22 • 10:00-11:30 a.m.
The Mercantile Library, UMSL
Information: (314) 539-4556
Online Registration: UMSL 711
Fee: $5

Take a guided tour of the Special Collections of the oldest library west of the Mississippi. The collection includes histories of transportation, westward expansion, St. Louis, Native Americans, and more. You will also visit the new exhibition, "One Artist's Journey: The Life and Work of James Godwin Scott."

History of Bellefontaine Cemetery
Friday, Aug. 14 • 10:00-11:30 a.m.
J.C. Penney Conference Center, UMSL
Information: (314) 539-4556
Online Registration: UMSL 712
Fee: $5

Built in 1849, Bellefontaine Cemetery is the resting place of many men and women whose lives contributed to the westward expansion of the United States. The cemetery boasts some of the finest sculptures and memorial art in the country, providing a splendid catalog of styles and changing tastes. Learn about the history of this local treasure.


International Performing Arts Series
OASIS Discount

Card-carrying OASIS members can purchase tickets for UMSL's International Performing Arts Series at the student price of $7 rather than the regular price of $15. This season's schedule is listed at www.umsl.edu/services/cis/ipa.html.

UMSL Express

Adults age 65+ have easy access to undergraduate courses without limit on an audit (not-for-credit), space-available basis. Students are subject to a nonrefundable $25 registration fee, parking fee, and any course-related fees. For details, visit www.umsl.edu/admission/pdfs/express.pdf.