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Supply Chain Analytics Sample Curriculum Path

This sample curriculum path is meant to assist prospective students interested in the Master of Science in Supply Chain Analytics to visualize their path to degree completion.

For the Cohort Entering the Program in Fall Semester

Fall of Year 1 Spring of Year 1 Fall of Year 2 Spring of Year 2
SCMA 5300 SCMA 6321 SCMA 6330 SCMA 6331
SCMA 5310 SCMA 5320 SCMA 6345 Elective 2
Elective 1 SCMA 6350

For the Cohort Entering the Program in Spring Semester

Spring of Year 1 Fall of Year 1 Spring of Year 2 Fall of Year 2
SCMA 5300 SCMA 6330 SCMA 5320 SCMA 6350
SCMA 5310 SCMA 6345 SCMA 6321 Elective 2
Elective 1 SCMA 6331

16-Month Track for the Cohort Entering the Program in Fall Semester

Fall of Year 1 Spring of Year 1 Fall of Year 1 Spring of Year 2
SCMA 5300 SCMA 6321 SCMA 5320 SCMA 6330
SCMA 5310 SCMA 6331 Elective 2 SCMA 6345
Elective 1 SCMA 6350

16-Month Track for the Cohort Entering the Program in Spring Semester

Spring of Year 1 Summer of Year 1 Fall of Year 1 Spring of Year 2
SCMA 5300 SCMA 5320 SCMA 6330 SCMA 6321
SCMA 5310 Elective 1 SCMA 6345 SCMA 6331
SCMA 6350 Elective 2