Veterans Studies provides a researched-based curriculum for students interested in studying the veteran experience and enables success for current and future veterans on the UMSL campus and beyond.
Academic Programs
Veterans Studies provides academic programs leading to an undergraduate minor or a bachelor’s degree (through the interdisciplinary studies program). Coursework is multidisciplinary and it is designed for students of any background and any major. Veterans Studies students will graduate with a nuance understanding of the military and veteran experience, the role veterans play in our society, and the obligations our society might hold towards this subset of our population.
Bachelor of Interdisciplinary Studies
- In concert with the Bachelors in Interdisciplinary Studies program, an exceptional student could "create" his or her own 36-hour interdisciplinary major studying the veteran experience. The B.I.S. provides a flexible, individualized program of study for the self-directed learner. It is developed by each student with advisement by UMSL professional advisers and faculty, and it is intended for students who have unique educational goals that cannot be met by any other UMSL degree program.
Course Information
Teaching Professor James Craig
Veterans Center and ROTC
The UMSL Veterans Center exists to assist veterans in their transition from military to campus life. It is a one-stop resource center, staffed by professional staff, student veterans and veteran volunteers, each committed to facilitating and coordinating the overall integration of veterans into the UMSL academic community. The UMSL Veterans Center is UMSL Veterans serving UMSL Veterans!
Military and Veterans Studies
What is Veterans Studies? Veterans Studies is an emerging, inherently multidisciplinary academic field devoted to developing a clearer understanding of veterans and the veteran experience past, present and future.
What will I learn? Veteran Studies will provide students a foundational understanding of military structure, culture, combat, and the personal changes resulting from military service. It will challenge students to think more clearly about how veterans fit into society and what obligations, if any, a society holds toward its veteran community.
Do I need to be a veteran to take Veterans Studies classes? No. One of our goals is to provide non-veterans the academic depth to understand and serve with or alongside the veteran community.
If I am a veteran, should I take Veterans Studies classes? Absolutely! Veterans are encouraged to join Veterans Studies for the same reasons as other students. But also so they can explore new ways to reflect on their own service and experiences.
Why should I take a Military and Veterans Studies Course? If you want to better understand the veteran experience as a compliment to your major or just because of your curiosity, then Military and Veterans Studies is a fit for you.
What Majors fit well with a Veterans Studies minor? Typical majors include: Psychology, Criminology and Criminal Justice, Social Work, Anthropology, Sociology, Nursing, History, Art, Media Studies, Business, Political Science and English.
What is Army ROTC? ROTC is the Reserve Officers Training Corps. It is the largest commissioning program that produces officers for the U.S. Army. It is structured as a college class in which one learns valuable leadership skills. The UMSL Army ROTC program (the Triton Army) is one of the only ROTC programs in the St. Louis area that has sustained regular growth over the past 3 years. Join us!
Am I joining the Army by signing up for ROTC? NO, you are not joining the Army. Only if you are commissioned as a Second Lieutenant will you join the Army. There is no military obligation during the first two years of ROTC.
Can I just take the ROTC class for the leadership education or for my minor? YES. You can take any 1000 or 2000 level class without pre-requisite. You can choose (or not choose) to participate in the extracurricular events like physical training, field training and other military skills. Before signing up for a 2000 level class, you should have a discussion and ROTC Advisor.
How about Scholarship? Do you have any available? YES, we have full tuition 2,3, and 4 year scholarships available for the best of our students (you must be medically, physically, academically qualified and pass a background check). These scholarships are merit and potential based. The number and type of scholarships available is different every year, but once awarded a scholarship is a financial commitment from the Army to you through your graduation.
Where can I learn more about ARMY ROTC at UMSL (The Triton Army)?
Check out the UMSL Army ROTC web page
Air Force ROTC
How do I join AFROTC if I am already in college? Once you are enrolled as a full time student, you can register for AS101 if you are a freshman. If you are a sophomore or only have 3 years left of your degree, you may still join but will need to contact the Unit Admissions Officers first.
What is the difference between AFROTC and enlisting in the Air Force? AFROTC is one of three commissioning sources for the USAF. Upon completion of a bachelor’s degree and AFROTC you will be commissioned as an officer, followed by specific training in a career field. Officers are trained to be the leaders and supervisors of enlisted personnel. Rank, pay, and career opportunities for officers are commensurate with their elevated level of responsibility. Enlisting in the Air Force is done through a local recruiter followed by basic training and prospective technical training. This avenue does not require a college degree.
Will the Air Force pay for my school? AFROTC offers many scholarship opportunities. Prospective AFROTC cadets can apply for a high school scholarship before entering into college. Once in college, AFROTC cadets can apply for an in-college scholarship. This process is handled by the host detachment.
What is AFROTC like in college? AFROTC is a program that will challenge and train ones leadership skills and leadership potential. The academic class will teach military education and aerospace history. Leadership labs take place once a week. They are designed to train cadets to react as leaders to various situations. Experienced cadets are tasked with leadership positions within the cadet corps and are responsible for training new cadets. You are required to wear a uniform to your ROTC classes during the week.