1. What is the Dual Enrollment Program (DEP)?
DEP is an opportunity for high school students to earn college credit while still in high school.
2. How many courses may I take per semester?
Students in the DEP may only take one course per semester unless they receive approval from the DEP advisor and their high school.
3. May I use these courses toward my high school graduation requirements?
It is up to your high school as to whether the courses will count toward your graduation requirements. Please contact your high school counselor or administrator for more information.
4. Are there specific courses offered for DEP students?
No. Once students have been accepted into the DEP they may enroll in any course as long as they meet the prerequisites for that course.
5. Will dual enrollment courses transfer to other colleges and universities?
Courses taken through the DEP will transfer in the same way as any other transcripted course from UMSL.
6. What are the benefits of enrolling in the DEP?
Enrolling for courses in the DEP can help you get a head start on college by earning college credit while still in high school.
7. Is financial aid available for dual enrollment?
Traditional financial aid resources cannot be used for DEP courses. However, students who register for an UMSL course through the DEP are eligible for program-specific scholarships. These scholarships are limited and only on a first come first serve basis. Students will be notified if they are awarded a scholarship after they finish the online application and send in their high school transcripts.
8. Are home-schooled students eligible for this program?
Yes, home-schooled students may take courses through the DEP.
9. If I decide to withdrawal from a course in the DEP, what do I do?
Students who wish to withdraw from a course must do so online through MyView. If you have any issues please contact the DEP.
10. How do I get my textbooks and any other materials required for my course?
All information regarding textbooks and other materials will be presented to you by your course instructor.