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Earl Horton, BSBA

My name is Earl Horton and I graduated from The University of Missouri-St. Louis in 1971..... "AD". For those of you with a bachelors of arts degree know that was a very long time ago. Those of you who graduated with a bachelors of science or engineering degree know that it was 40 years ago. The remarkable thing is that I graduated at all. You see I started at the University of Missouri in Columbia with an academic scholarship in 1967 and by the end of my first year, I had earned the distinction of being on academic probation. This was not viewed by the Dean of Students as ideal performance. I not only lost my scholarship but I was dead broke. For me, this was my academic "rock bottom".

I turned to my father for advise and council. Keep in mind my father had never attended college and was about 2 months less broke than I was. I told him I was considering quitting school knowing he would encourage me to "suck it up" and "hang in there". Instead he said "son, college is not for everyone".

WHAT!!! Whether intentional or not, this remark caused a huge emotional reaction in me. I wasn't sure college was for everyone but I was sure I was going to take another crack at it! I badly needed another game plan. My first challenge was poverty, not the macro-economic kind but the very micro personal kind. I needed a job where I could earn enough money to live and attend school. General Motors in St. Louis was the solution to my poverty problem and with enough night shift overtime and frugal living, I could work
hard for three months in the summer and attend school for 9 months in the winter. Recognizing that I did not have the maturity and self-discipline to enjoy campus life and perform academically, I had to find a school more suited to my personal needs. What about UMSL? It was close to work, affordable, and my hours would transfer. Unfortunately, so would my GPA.

When I started here I just wanted a degree. I chose business because I wanted a good job where I could make a good living,.... and not get hot and dirty. I didn't want to live 2 months ahead of the poverty line. What I got here was far more than I bargained for and although you probably don't know it yet, so did you! Today you will receive a diploma and I encourage you to get it framed and hang it in a prominent place. Not to show off, but to remind you of the hard work it took to earn. What I learned later, and so will you is that besides receiving a diploma I received an education.... and by that I mean knowledge. All of you have learned stuff that you don't know that you know. This knowledge will almost miraculously resurrect itself as you need it.

You will also learn how much more you need to learn. Fortunately almost all information is available and at your fingertips (or thumb tips if you are using a handheld)........ Rest assured, you have a foundation that will support any career you choose.

You have something I don't have,….. youth and time. I have something you don't have,……wisdom and experience. One difference is that I can share mine with you! I have compiled a list of "Earl's keys to accidental success". I can promise you that if you apply these rules during the next 40 years you will achieve accidental success beyond your wildest expectation.

Number 1) Find a mentor. Although they are not listed in the yellow pages or on the Internet, they are available and willing to help you. To attract a mentor, you need to show interest and be willing to listen and respond. I experienced my first mentor in the eighth grade, Sister Doreta. One day she pulled me a side and told me that I could be anything in life that I wanted to be. That I had the ability. I believed her. She was a nun for God's sake!

Number 2) Show up. Not just physically but mentally. Not just on time, but early. You'll end up in leadership positions and wonder how you got there.

Number 3) Go with your gut. If someone you trust gives you advice, take it.

Number 4) Only associate with honest people. Anyone who is dishonest will be dishonest with you.

Number 5) Go back and review leveraging. Learn to apply this practice financially, socially and politically.

Number 6) Be worth more than you make. Being paid more than your worth is a very temporary benefit.

Number 7) Humility and quiet confidence will be measured favorably. Arrogance does not wear well.

Number 8) Volunteer. It's a great learning experience, you have nothing to loose, everything to gain and it makes you feel good.

Number 9) Be a consensus builder. When you win an argument, you loose your effectiveness.

Number 10) Performance is the only measurement of job security.

Number 11) Don't let fear paralyze you. Realize all people fear failure. Remember a great batter fails two thirds of the time. (for those with a bachelor of arts degree, that's a 334 batting average). Learn from your strikeouts.

Number 12) Listen more and talk less. You'll be much smarter and less boring.

Number 13) Don't take yourself too seriously. No matter what your station in life or your accumulation of wealth, always remember.....your not that important.

And last but not least, live in the present. Don't think about how good life will be in the future. Don't think about how good life will be after your next promotion. Don't think about how good life will be after retirement. Life is good NOW! Enjoy it NOW!

Congratulations and Thank you!