William Connett



Reviewer:      Mathematical Reviews

                      Zentralblatt fur Mathematik


Referee:  Aequationes Mathematics

               American Mathematical Monthly

               Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society

               Constructive Approximation

               Illinois Journal of Mathematics

               Indiana Journal

               Mathematische Annalen

               Pacific Journal of Mathematics

               Proceedings of American Mathematical Society

               SIAM Journal of Mathematical Analysis

               Transactions of the American Mathematical Society




1.  Organized a two day seminar on problems with interpolation and multiplier theorems at the International Congress of Mathematicians, Vancouver 1974.


2.  Publicity director of Joint Meeting of AMS-MAA in St. Louis, 1976.


3.  Organized a special two day session on multipliers at the Annual meeting of the AMS, 1976.


4.  Invited to give an hour address at Mu Alpha Theta national Convention in St. Louis, Aug. 9, 1982.


5.  Joint organizer, with O. Gebuhrer and A. Schwartz, of a Joint Summer Research Conference, entitled "Applications of hypergroups and related measure algebras", sponsored by the AMS, SIAM, and IMS, and held in Seattle July 31 - August 6, 1993. Fifty-two mathematicians from 14 different countries participated. The proceedings of this conference, has been published in: Proceedings of the Joint Summer Research Conference, Applications of hypergroups and related measure algebras, Seattle, August 1- 6, 1993, William C. Connett,  O. Gebuhrer, and A. L. Schwartz editors, Contemporary Mathematics, 183 (1995), American Mathematical Society, Providence RI, 1995.





1.  Metal fabrication (Consolidated Aluminum).  Formulate and compute time-dependent heat-transfer models.


2.  Grid generation for computational fluid dynamics (McDonnell Douglas Research Laboratories). Developed and implemented algebraic and adaptive grid techniques.


3. Statistical consultant for the department, the university, and for a number of colleagues in various departments.