Astronomy Data Science represents a transformative field of inquiry at the intersection of astronomy, data science, and engineering. In the past few decades, the combination of an extensive array of ground-based and space-borne instruments has ushered in an era of unprecedented scientific image data generation. These high-dimensional data hold the keys to unlocking profound insights into our universe, driving impressive advances in various research areas, including high-stakes domains such as Space Weather and Heliophysics. However, harnessing the full potential of this data deluge would not be feasible without the remarkable advancements in both hardware and software. The synergy of cutting-edge technology and innovative data analysis methods has become instrumental in unraveling the mysteries of space, making Astronomy Data Science an indispensable frontier in modern scientific exploration. Agencies such as the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), and more recently, the United States Space Force (USSF) are some of the key sponsors and stakeholders of this interdisciplinary field. The following faculty members are involved in astronomy data science: Azim Ahmadzadeh.