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X-Ray Diffraction Laboratory

X-Ray Diffraction Facility X-ray crystal structure determination is an important technique for most inorganic and organic chemists. The X-ray Diffraction Laboratory at UMSL supports crystallographic research conducted globally within numerous academic and industrial research groups. The Laboratory is equipped with state-of-the-art instrumentation and computational facilities for solid-state three-dimensional crystal and molecular structure determinations. The single crystal and powder diffraction facility resides within the Center for Nanoscience, which opened in November 1996.

For more information please contact Dr. Rajamoni Jagan by email: jrbrm@umsl.edu


The Bruker Venture-Duo PHOTON-II Kappa Diffractometer is a state-of-the art single crystal diffractometer equipped with two Incotec micro-focus X-ray sources (Cu and Mo), a PHOTON-II CPAD (Charge-integrating Pixel Array Detector) detector, and an attached Oxford Cryostream-800 cold head. The Kappa orientation instrument allows for rapid and shutter-less data collection are routine using its Kappa orientated can be carried out at various temperatures (85 – 300 K) for small, highly sensitive, and weakly diffracting samples. Absolute configuration of molecules may also be determined using this system. 

 NEw XRD 2019


The Bruker APEX II Kappa Diffractometer is a Kappa orientation instrument equipped with a sealed tube (Mo) X-ray source, a 4K CCD (Charge Coupled Device) chip detector, and an Oxford Cryostream low temperature cold head that allows for fast data collection at various temperatures (85 – 300 K)The primary mission of his diffractometer is to collect data for larger, stable crystals, teaching, and user training purposes.


The Bruker APEX II Kappa Dffractometer



A Rigaku Ultima IV Powder Diffractometer is a Bragg-Brentano focusing geometry instrument equipped with a horizontal sample stage (3 – 150° range), a monochromated and sealed X-ray tube (Mo) source, a scintillation detector, and hot stage (ambient to 1500 °C) with PTC-30 temperature controller. It is primarily used for the characterization of air- and water-sensitive powders, thin films, and in-plane and small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) applications. The instrument provides a valuable analytical tool for the identification of single and multi-component solids and phases via comparison to known powder patterns. This information is generally useful in determination of crystallite size/strain analysis, lattice parameters, percent crystallinity, and sample homogeneity.


A Rigaku Ultima IV Powder Diffractometer



The X-ray Laboratory Computing Facility has several workstations running crystallographic software. All computers in the lab are integrated with the university computer network.

The Cambridge Structural Database (CSD) is available to all students, faculty and staff for their teaching and research projects.

The sample preparation laboratory is equipped with Stereo/Polarizing microscopes with digital video capabilities for screening and mounting crystals; fume hood, refrigerator and freezer for crystallization and sample storage, together with other necessary facilities for crystallization and crystal handling.


  • The Department X-Ray Diffraction facility offers varied crystallographic services including:
  • Unit-Cell Determination
  • Sata Collection
  • Data Collection and Structure Determination
  • Low Temperature Data collection and structure determination
  • Determination of Absolute Configuration of Crystals


The X-ray diffraction facility is opened to both UMSL users and External users (academic and non-academic).

  • Graduate  students and Research Scholars from and Research Scholars from Universities
  • Post-Doctoral Fellow researchers and scientists from Universities
  • Scientists from Industries/Companies and Research and Development Organizations.


Charges for using the X-Ray Diffraction Facility at UMSL are available on request.


Users can submit their samples by filling user request form with sample details.

            Download Application Form

Mailing Address:

            Users from remote places can submit their samples through the following address.

            Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
            University of Missouri – Saint Louis
            One University Boulevard
            Saint Louis, MO 63121   


Upon request the X-Ray Diffraction Facility at UMSL offer crystallographic training to graduate students and Research scholars from universities who uses crystal structure determination as part of their research.

Hands on training such as crystal selection, crystal mounting and data collection is provided with Bruker X8 APEX II Kappa Diffractometer.


Users who do the single crystal structural analysis from UMSL X-Ray Diffraction Laboratory should mention in the acknowledgement up on publishing their results. Acknowledgement can be mentioned as "X-Ray Diffraction Facility at Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of Missouri St. Louis."


Dr. Rajamoni Jagan, jrbrm@umsl.edu

Dr. Keith J. Stine, kstine@umsl.edu