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Photos of Alumni Events

  • A Chemistry Alumni Council Event: Helping the Public Understand and Accept Science-Based Facts - On Oct 19.  About 60 alumni, students, faculty and guests held a lively discussion.  A panel consisting of Hal Harris: UMSL Emeritus Professor of  Chemistry & Biochemistry, Aimee Hood: Regulatory and Scientific Engagement Lead at Bayer Crop Science, Kristine Callis-Duehl: Director of Education Research and Outreach at the Donald Danforth Plant Science Center, and Ruth Watt: Manager of STEM Events at the Saint Louis Science Center led the discussion which was moderated by Jeanette Hencken, BA 1985, retired teacher at Webster Groves High School. The event was the brainchild of Michael J. Finkes, BS 1973, MS 1978, shown standing with the panel and the audience participation was very good.  The experience was deemed to be a very successful event.

  • The Alumni Reception - On May 19, 2019 was the 50th anniversary of the third graduating class in 1969, and also the 2019 graduates was a great success.  The 2019 graduates and their families and friends attended a luncheon in the Whittaker Room in the Touhill Performing Arts Center, following the Commencement exercises.  The actual reception was held a little later in the Solarium of the Science Learning Center.  Here is a picture of some of the students and faculty at the luncheon, also one of Dr, Dupureur welcoming those present. 

    Five alumni from 1969 attended at least part of the weekends festivities and pictures are available.  Here is one of Les Tucker, Doug Nuelle and Mario Deprimo, another of another Nuelle, Dr. Barton and Deprimo and his wife Susan and another of Doug Nuelle, Joe Bono and Mike Finkes, all at the Golden Reception on May 18.  Had he not been drafted, Finkes would have graduated in 1969 with his classmates.Here is a picture of three of the 1969 graduates, Tim Miller, Doug Nuelle and Joe Bono, with Harold Messler BS 1970 and Dr Barton at the reception of the Solarium. 

    The reception in the Solarium went very well too and here are some photographs. Cindy Dupereur, department chair, welcomed everyone and Lol Barton served as MC.  Michael Finkes, Doug Nuelle, Joe BonoTim Miller and Les Tucker all addressed those in attendance.  A very lively mixer consisting of alumni, new graduates and their families, faculty members, friends and family was enjoyed by all.

  • The Alumni Reception - In May 2018 was the 50th anniversary of the second graduating class in 1968, held in the Solarium of the Science Learning Center.  Four of our 1968 graduates attended along with about 15 others and 30 or so faculty, students and family members.  Here are some pictures including the four '68 graduates, left to right Mike Hasser, Ray Novak, Wiley Moore and Harland Kalman, a commencement procession, the whole group of '68 graduates, the chemistry gathering, Wiley Moore addressing the latter, Professor Dupureur welcoming the chemists,  Mike Hasser with students and faculty, Harland Kalman receiving his pin from Chancellor George and Ray Novak with Chancellor George.

  • Chemistry Connections - in April 2018, some pictures are available of the speakers, Eric BrutonLisa Balbes, the speakers with the chair Mike Finkes and the panel.

  • The Alumni Reception - in 2017, the 50th anniversary of the first graduating class, held in the Solarium of the new Science Learning Building.  Here we see the group that participated in the Commencement, the three chemists David Henton, Tom Dueber and Lloyd Hill who were on stage at the 2017 Commencement, the group at the Alumni Reception, Tom Dueber, Dave Henton and Michael Finkes making a presentations at the reception.

  • Alumni Reception - in May 2016, honoring Professor Christopher D. Spilling, after completing 11 plus years as department chair. Here he is seen with current and former students, here is a group of former students and here he is being presented with a plaque and memory book (actually one year later) by current chair Professor Cynthia M. Dupureur.

  • Alumni Reception - In May 2015, honoring Jane Miller and Hal Harris and all the alumni who went into teaching - photo 1, photo 2, photo 3, and photo 4.

  • Fifty Years of Great Chemistry - our celebration of the UMSL Jubilee in April 2013 was a great success - photo 1, photo 2, photo 3 and photo 4.

  • Photos from the Alumni Reception in 2012 honoring Joyce Corey and Rudi Winter - photo 1, photo 2, photo 3, and photo 4

  • Photo from the event Chemistry Connections and Networking which was part of the 2011 Alumni Weekend Program.

  • Photos of the decade graduation groups from the Reception Honoring Lol Barton in 2010 are available - 1960s, 1970s, 1980s, 1990s or 2000s.

  • Earlier ones from the Reception Honoring Charlie Armbruster in 2008 - 1960s, 1970s, 1970s2, 1980s, 1980s 2, 1990s, or faculty.