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Megan Burroughs

Megan Burroughs cropped

Professor Burroughs earned her BS degree in Chemical Engineering at the University of California, Davis and her PhD degree in Chemistry at the University of Nevada, Reno. She is very passionate about teaching and mentoring undergraduate students. She joined the UMSL faculty as an Assistant Teaching Professor in fall 2024.

Office: B 429
Phone: (314) 516-7995

Research Interests

Her research primarily focuses on the isolation and characterization of ecologically relevant, and novel natural products (Piper family).

Selected publications

″Streamlined Discovery of Antifungal Compounds in Costa Rican Piper Species Using Weighted Gene Correlation Network Analysis of crude 1H NMR Data, ″ C. Oliviera, M. Burroughs, L. A. Richards, L. A. Dyer, F. Urbano-Munoz, C. Lee, M. Warner, I. Wallace, C. Dodson and C. Jeffrey, 2024, ChemRxiv, submitted.

 "Secondary Metabolites in a Neotropical Shrub: Spatiotemporal Allocation and Role in Fruit Defense and Dispersal," L. D. Maynard, H. L.  Slinn,  A. E. Glassmire, B. Matarrita‐Carranza, C. D.  Dodson, T. T. Nguyen, M. J. Burroughs, L. A. Dyer, C. S. Jeffrey and  S. R.  Whitehead, Ecology 2020, 101, 3192.

″Metabolomics Guided Discovery of Novel Flavone Sesquiterpene Conjugate Raduladioxanolide from a Chemical Heritability Experiment of Piper scintillans,″  M. Burroughs, C. S. Philbin, L. A. Richards, L. A. Dyer, T. L. Parchman, and C. S. Jeffrey, Abstracts, ACS Fall Meeting, 2023, San Francisco, CA.