The University of Missouri–St. Louis accomplishes its mission of transforming lives through the organized and collaborative efforts of individuals working in a wide variety of settings and situations. Too frequently these everyday contributions may be overlooked or taken for granted as they often go unseen at large. To recognize the heroic efforts of UMSL’s staff and faculty, Chancellor Kristin Sobolik established the UMSL Hero Award in December 2020.
Each month, the chancellor will present up to three staff or faculty members with the UMSL Hero Award in recognition of their efforts to transform the lives of UMSL students and the communities in which we serve. Such accomplishments may be reflected through consistent exemplary performance, through sustained work activities above and beyond normal job requirements or through the superior support of our core values of trust, inclusion, innovation, access, success and engagement.
Recipients will receive a distinctive UMSL Hero lapel pin and public recognition through UMSL Daily and other university communication channels or events.