January 31, 2020 - Strategic Enrollment Planning Update
Dear UMSL Faculty and Staff,
The University of Missouri–St. Louis engaged RNL last September to lead us through a Strategic Enrollment Planning (SEP) process designed to yield a 5-year strategic enrollment plan that fosters long-term enrollment growth and fiscal health. Through service on either the SEP Council, SEP Steering Committee, or one of seven working groups, a multitude of stakeholders from across the university have engaged in the process to bring a holistic, data-informed and action-focused approach to enrollment management.
While these planning processes will continue through the spring, some immediate actions have been recommended and approved by the SEP Council. I’m writing to give you a brief update on these areas.
We are moving forward with recommendations from the RNL consultants to expand our recruitment efforts for adult learners and graduate students. As a result, we are taking a number of actions to support enrollment growth for these student populations, including:
These activities are certainly not the only recommendations being considered as part of the larger SEP process, but they are ones that demanded immediate action to benefit our university. I look forward to completing the strategic enrollment plan in the months ahead and working with each of you to make it a success for our students and community.
Best regards,
Kristin Sobolik
Interim Chancellor and Provost