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Program Description

JavaScript began as LiveScript, Netscape's scripting language. It was designed for adding enhancements, such as interactivity, to Web pages. Although it borrowed syntax and structure from Sun Microsystem's Java programming language, it was not intended as a complex and powerful language, but rather as an easy-to-learn, simple scripting language. When Sun endorsed LiveScript in 1995 as the scripting standard for the Web, it was renamed JavaScript.

JavaScript is an implementation of an official standard called ECMAScript. The current versions are named ECMAScript year, so the 2018 release was named ECMAScript 2018.JavaScript works in all major current browsers, although there may be slight differences for commands in a few instances. Keep in mind that just because JavaScript can be interpreted by the browser does not mean that the user has JavaScript enabled. Because the user can easily disable the use of JavaScript in their browsers, most JavaScript developers adhere to a principle of "progressive enhancement" (sometimes also called "graceful degradation"). In other words, if the user’s browser is not able to interpret the JavaScript (either because the browser does not support it, or more commonly, because it has been disabled), the page does not ‘break;’ the page is better with JavaScript enabled, but it can still be used without it.

Courses Taught:

Introduction to JavaScript
Intermediate Applications of JavaScript
Advanced Applications of JavaScript
Advanced Applications of JavaScript: Level 2 - React.js