
Undergraduate Student Association

The Criminology and Criminal Justice Undergraduate Student Association (CCJUSA) facilitates professional development, fosters healthy undergraduate student culture, and contributes to the discipline through service and achievement among students majoring or minoring in CCJ.


CCJUSA - Visit the Student Organization Portal

The UMSL Criminology & Criminal Justice Department is committed to developing a culture of support and professional development for students. Undergraduate students majoring or minoring in CCJ are encouraged to get involved in the Criminology & Criminal Justice Undergraduate Student Association (CCJUSA) and strive to become members of the Alpha Phi Sigma (APS) National Honor Society. 

Alpha Phi Sigma (APS), the National Criminal Justice Honor Society associated with the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, is looking for new members at UMSL (Pi Beta Delta Chapter).  The organization is open to undergraduate students majoring or minoring in CCJ who have: 1) completed three semesters of coursework at UMSL, 2) completed four criminal justice courses at UMSL, 3) maintained an UMSL GPA of 3.2, and 4) maintained at 3.2 GPA in UMSL CCJ courses.  More information about APS is available at their website.

Graduate Student Association

The Graduate Student Association is a university organization run by the graduate students in the department. The GSA aids in providing additional funding for graduate students to attend professional conferences, sponsoring guest speakers, organizing graduate student social events, recruiting potential students, arranging tours of criminal justice agencies, and facilitating the professional and social development of graduate students in the department.  

Graduate school is an amazing place. It provides an opportunity to grow as a person and as a professional. You are exposed to a wide variety of people with different viewpoints, backgrounds, and areas of interest. Where else can heated debates and downright vicious arguments be seen as positive exchanges of ideas? Graduate school is a mentoring process and that belief is prevalent throughout the entire faculty at UMSL.

The graduate environment at UMSL full of brilliant, hard working people who treat you as a colleague and take it upon themselves (as busy as they are) to help you through the good and bad times. There are many opportunities for graduate students at UMSL for research, teaching, conference presentations, friendships, and much more. If you are considering graduate study, keep us in mind. It is a great place and we're sure you would receive the complete graduate experience here. Below you will find a great deal of helpful information and pictures from department parties and other social events in the past years.  


There are several objectives of the Criminology and Criminal Justice Graduate Student Association (CCJ GSA) at the University of Missouri-St. Louis. The first is to facilitate the professional development of students seeking a career in the field of criminology and criminal justice. Second, the CCJ GSA seeks to foster a healthy graduate student culture in which students can grow, learn and develop long-lasting relationships with fellow students and faculty. Lastly, our organization emphasizes the importance of contributing to the discipline through service and scholarly achievements. It is through the pursuit of these goals that the CCJ GSA at the University of Missouri-St. Louis provides an environment for future leaders in criminology and criminal justice.

Graduate Student Organization Homepage