
Undergraduate Scholarships

Junior Standing

Minimum 3.2 Overall GPA

Must have completed at least on semester at UMSL at the time the scholarship application is submitted

Junior Standing

Minimum 3.0 Overall GPA

Must have completed at least on semester at UMSL at the time the scholarship application is submitted

Must be a Missouri resident

Must demonstrate high financial need as determined by the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)

Must be enrolled full-time (at least 12 credit hours each semester)

Preference will be given to incoming freshmen

Preference will also be given to students with a GPA of 3.0 or higher

Application information is sent to all CCJ students via their student email, usually in March. Please email Professor Timothy Maher at mahert@umsl.edu if you have questions.

Applications must be submitted to Professor Timothy Maher. Please place the application in his mailbox in the CCJ office, 324 Lucas Hall.

Graduate Scholarships

This scholarship is provided in honor of the late Edward G. Longinette in recognition of his service to the University of Missouri-St. Louis and the St. Louis community.  Mr. Longinette served as an adjunct professor for many years and was a member of the St. Louis law enforcement community. 

This scholarship is awarded to students enrolled in the University of Missouri-St. Louis Masters of Arts in Criminology and Criminal Justice Program.  Recipients must be outstanding graduate students who are in good academic standing.  

Instructions for Applying:
Please submit a current UMSL transcript, resume, and a personal letter commenting on why you chose the criminal justice field and how you plan to use your MA degree in Criminology and Criminal Justice to provide service to the community.  The personal essay should not exceed three pages in length.  In addition, one letter of recommendation from an UMSL faculty member is required.  

For questions or more information about the Longinette Scholarship, please email slocuml@umsl.edu or call 314-516-4072.


The Charles G. Huber, Jr. Endowed Dissertation Fellowship supports advanced doctoral students who are in the process of completing their dissertation in Criminology and Criminal Justice at the University of Missouri-St. Louis. The fellowship provides a stipend of at least $2,000 for one academic year. The fellowship was designed to help the student to facilitate the completion of his or her dissertation.

Requirements for the Award

Applicants need to have completed their coursework, passed both qualifying papers, and successfully defended their dissertation proposal (i.e., Form D5 must be signed by all members of the dissertation committee) by the time of the application deadline.

Applications should include the following:

  1. Narrative: A one-page, single-spaced, dissertation overview outlining the research project, analytic strategy, and significance for theory and policy.

    • The narrative will be evaluated on the overall strength of presentation with respect to: the novelty of the research project, the explanation of the data and research methods, and the broader impact of the research on the field. The narrative should be clearly written and free of grammatical and typographical errors.

  2. Curriculum Vitae: A current copy of the student’s curriculum vitae.

  3. Support Letter: The student's dissertation chair must submit a signed statement of support describing the current status and impact of the proposed work as well as the student's qualifications and potential to successfully complete the dissertation within the next year.

NOTE: Additional materials may be requested if the Committee deems it necessary to make its decision.

Submission Deadline

Applications should be submitted via e-mail to Marisa Omori (marisa.omori@umsl.edu) no later than August 1 at 5pm. The UMSL CCJ Graduate Committee will select the winner of the award after which all applicants will be notified via email regarding the Committee’s decision. The funds will be dispersed to the recipient of the award through the registrar’s office.

Publications resulting from research supported in part through a Charles G. Huber, Jr. Endowed Dissertation Fellowship should acknowledge the financial support received, and a copy of any publications or research products should be sent to the UMSL CCJ graduate director.


Accepting these awards may have implications for financial aid and students are encouraged to discuss changes in funding with the financial aid office.