
The Bachelor of Science in Criminology and Criminal Justice unifies a body of knowledge from numerous social science and other disciplines.

Students learn about the various agencies and institutions that make up the criminal justice system, and engage with topics that include law enforcement, gangs, gun violence, juvenile crime and justice, capital punishment, and crime prevention.

Students studying criminology and criminal justice develop the ability to demonstrate critical thinking that reflects a depth, breadth and integration of knowledge in law, theory, research methods, statistics and criminal justice policy. Students gain a thorough understanding of the three areas of the criminal justice system: policing, courts and corrections. Coursework analyzes numerous issues, including the roles that class, race, gender and culture play in crime and criminal justice. Graduates will be able to build upon internship and service-learning experiences to apply theory into practice in the public and private sectors.

Many pre-law students choose criminology and criminal justice as an undergraduate major because of the excellent preparation for law school. All courses required to complete the BS are available online, and UMSL also offers a Master of Arts and a PhD in Criminology and Criminal Justice for students wishing to continue their academic pursuits.


General Education Requirements

Majors must satisfy the university and college general education requirements. Courses used to fulfill the social science or state requirement may not be taken from courses in the major. Foreign language proficiency is not required, although students are encouraged to take foreign language courses. Majors may not take the following courses on a satisfactory/unsatisfactory basis: criminology and criminal justice courses; SOC 3220, Quantitative Techniques in Sociology; or SOC 3230, Research Methods. Additionally, substitutions approved by departmental advisers for these courses may not be taken on a satisfactory/ unsatisfactory basis.

Declaring the Criminology and Criminal Justice Major

Students must complete the following courses before declaring the major:

CRIMIN 1100 Introduction to Criminology and Criminal Justice 3
CRIMIN 1110 Theories of Crime 3
CRIMIN 2210 Research Methods in Criminology and Criminal Justice 3
CRIMIN 2220 Statistical Analysis In Criminology And Criminal Justice 1 4

Degree Requirements

Courses used to fulfill the social science or state requirements may not be taken from courses in the major. Students may register for 3000-5000 level courses only after completing ENGL 3100 (Advanced Expository Writing).

Students may register for 3000-5000 level courses only after prerequisites have been satisfied or after obtaining a signature from the adviser in criminology and criminal justice or consent of the instructor.

Criminology majors may not take course numbers 1100, 2260, or 3345 offered through UM-Independent Studies to fulfill degree requirements in the major.

Core Curriculum

Bachelor of Science in Criminology and Criminal Justice candidates must complete the core curriculum listed below:

Core Curriculum
The following courses in criminology and criminal justice are required: 22
Introduction to Criminology and Criminal Justice
Theories of Crime
Criminal Law
Criminal Justice Policy
Research Methods in Criminology and Criminal Justice
Statistical Analysis In Criminology And Criminal Justice
Seminar in Criminology and Criminal Justice
Select one of the following: 3
Select one of the following courses in Criminology and Criminal Justice: 3
Comparative Criminology and Criminal Justice
Gender, Crime, and Justice
Violence Against Women
Race, Crime, and Justice
Select three additional CRIMIN courses at the 3000, 4000, or 5000 level: 9
Total Hours 37

Candidates must earn a minimum grade of (C-) in the following courses: CRIMIN 2220 Statistical Analysis in Criminology and Criminal Justice, and CRIMIN 4390 Seminar in Criminology and Criminal Justice.

Candidates must also have a cumulative grade point average of 2.0 or better in the major.

Career Opportunities

Legal Assistant
Corrections Officer
Probation & Parole Officer
Private Investigator
Loss & Prevention Administrator
Police Officer
Urban Planner
Career Counselor
Youth Outreach Coordinator
Court Reporter