

Here is a list of all PhD Dissertations defended in the Department. Abstracts are also available by clicking on the title of any of the works listed below.  See also PhD dissertation proposals defended/in progress.

See also PhD placements.

Completed Dissertations (2001-Present)

Year Name Dissertation Title Committee (*Chair)
2018 Timothy McCuddy Online Socialization and Delinquency: Expanding the Study of Peer Influence in Criminology Matt Vogel*
Finn Esbensen
Janet Lauritsen
Kyle Thomas
Jean McGloin
2017 Allen Shamow Homicide and the World Religions Richard Rosenfeld*
Janet Lauritsen
Michael Campbell
Susanne Karstedt
2017 Brooke Mayfield The Effectiveness of Treatment As Policy for Sex Offenders Beth Huebner*
Lee Slocum
Stephanie DiPietro
Alexander Holsinger
2017 CheyOnna Sewell Gender Inequality, Intersectionality, and Violence Against Women: A National- and State-level Analysis of Violence Against Women Trends Janet Lauritsen*
Lee Ann Slocum
Karlijn Kuijpers
Hillary Potter
2017 Michael J. Deckard Here Today, Gone Tomorrow: The Temporal Stability of Crime Hot Spots and the Criminology of Place Richard Rosenfeld*
Beth Huebner
Lee Ann Slocum
Daniel Isom, II
David Weisburd
2017 Niquita Loftis Supervised Release Sentences of Child Pornography Offenders in U.S. District Courts: An Examination of Disparity Lee Slocum*
Finn Esbensen
Beth Huebner
Cassia Spohn
2017 Maribeth L. Rezey Understanding the Decline in Child Victimization: A National- and State-Level Analysis of Child Abuse and Neglect Trends Janet Lauritsen*
Richard Rosenfeld
Lee Slocum
Cathy Spatz Widom
2016 Jordan C. Pickering To Shoot or Not to Shoot: An Analysis of Police Officers' Deadly Force Decision-Making Processes David Klinger*
Kristin Carbone-Lopez
Finn Esbensen
Geoffrey Alpert
2016 Jaclyn M. Cwick Expanding Coercive Mobility Theory: Women's Forms of Capital and Neighborhood Social Control Elaine Eggleston Doherty*
Robert J. Bursik, Jr.
Stephanie DiPietro
Beth Huebner
James Lynch
2016 Shytierra Gaston Race, Neighborhood Context, and Drug Enforcement: A Mixed-Method Analysis of Racial Disparities in Drug Arrests Richard Rosenfeld*
Janet Lauritsen
Michael Campbell
Rod Brunson
2015 Mikh V. Gunderman Loss, Hope, and Redemption: The Consequences of Methamphetamine use in a Sample of Incarcerated Women Kristin Carbone-Lopez*
Lee Slocum
Stephanie DiPietro
Jody Miller
2015 Timothy Dickinson Talk and Deterrence in Drug Markets Richard Rosenfeld*
Richard Wright*
Kristin Carbone-Lopez
Janet Lauritsen
Scott Jacques
2014 J. Michael Vecchio The Role of Violence within and across Self-identified Gang Youth Finn Esbensen* Beth Huebner Terrance J. Taylor Jody Miller
2014 Stephanie Wiley The Amplification of Deviance Following Police Contact: An Examination of Individual and Neighborhood Factors among a Sample of Youth Finn-Aage Esbensen*
Robert J. Bursik, Jr.
Lee Ann Slocum
Karen Heimer
2014 Ekaterina Gorislavsky Racial-Ethnic Differences in Rape and Sexual Assault Victimization: A
Pooled Analysis of NCVS Data, 1994-2010
Janet Lauritsen*
Richard Rosenfeld
Kristin Carbone- Lopez
Karen Heimer
2014 Kimberly Kras Redemption or Condemnation? A Long-Term Follow-up of the Desistance Patterns of Sex Offenders Beth Huebner*
Lee Ann Slocum
Stephanie DiPietro
Shadd Maruna
2013 Hyon Namgung How Do Specialized Units Affect the Outputs of Police Organizations?: Investigating the Effect of Community Policing Units on Community Policing Activities in Local Police Departments David Klinger*
Finn Esbensen
Robert Bursik
Edward Maguire
2013   Ethan Amidon Lightning Strikes Twice: An Examination of the Political Factors Associated With State-Level Death Sentences and Executions in the United States, 1930-2012 Richard Rosenfeld*
Richard Wright
Michael Campbell
Bruce Western
2013 Jennifer Owens Defining Stalking and its Relationship to Other Forms of Violent and Property Victimization: An Analysis of NCVS Data Janet Lauritsen*
Lee Ann Slocum
Kristin Carbone-Lopez
Lynn Addington
2012 Breanne Pleggenkuhle The Effect of Legal Financial Obligations on Reentry Experiences Beth M. Huebner*
Bob Bursik
Stephanie DiPietro
Faye Taxman
2011 Andrea Nichols Feminist Advocacy in Community Based Responses to Domestic Violence: Gendered Identity, Ideology and Practices Kristin Carbone-Lopez*
Lee Ann Slocum
Richard Wright
Jody Miller
2011 Dena Carson Examining the Effect of Changes in the Peer Group on Attitudes: A Longitudinal Approach Finn Esbensen*
Janet Lauritsen
Lee Ann Slocum
Jean McGloin
2011 Nicole White The Economy-Crime Relationship Revisited: The Significance of Recent Macroeconomic and Social Policy Changes for Poverty and Youth Violence Trends Janet L. Lauritsen*
Kristin Carbone-Lopez
Finn Esbensen
Karen Heimer
2011 Brian Oliver Recidivism: A Multi-Level Explanation Rick Rosenfeld*
Beth Huebner
Andres Rengifo
Joan Petersilia
2011 Kimberly Martin A Multilevel Analysis of County and State Variation in the Severity of Sentences Imposed in Large Urban Courts Beth Huebner*
Eric Baumer*
Andres Rengifo
Brian Johnson
2011 Brendan Dooley Whither Criminology?: On the State of Criminology's Paradigm Rick Rosenfeld*
Richard Wright
David Klinger
Joachim Savelsberg
2010 Pernell Witherspoon Minority Group Threat and Racial Profiling: An Analysis of Pretextual Traffic Stops and Outcomes in Missouri Municipalities Rick Rosenfeld*
G. David Curry
Jody Miller
Jeff Rojek
2010 Scott Jacques A Guide to Drug Dealing Richard Wright*
Rick Rosenfeld
Jody Miller
Mark Cooney
2010 Michele Stacey Bias Crime and Minority Threat Rick Rosenfeld*
Lee Ann Slocum
Kristin Carbone-Lopez
Eric Stewart
2009 Bradley T. Brick Race, Social Context, and School Punishment: An Examination of Disparity in School Discipline Finn Esbensen*
Janet Lauritsen
Lee Ann Slocum
Eric A. Stewart
2009 Mark T. Berg Understanding the Persistence of the Victimization-Offending Relationship: Modeling Causal Mechanisms Across Place and Time Janet Lauritsen*
Rick Rosenfeld
Finn Esbensen
Rolf Loeber
2009 Jennifer Cobbina From Prison to Home: Women's Pathways In and Out of Crime Jody Miller*
Beth Huebner
Richard Wright
Patricia O'Brien
2008 Janice R. Hill Prosecuting child sexual abuse offenders: a case study of victim, family, offender, incident, and evidentiary characteristics Janet Lauritsen*
Beth Huebner
Richard Wright
Lois Pierce
2008 Karin Tusinski The causes and consequences of bullying Rick Rosenfeld*
Eric Baumer*
Callie Rennison
Scott Decker
2008 Robin J. Schaum The marriage certificate as a shield?: the role of marital status on violent victimization Janet Lauritsen*
Eric Baumer
Beth Huebner
Karen Heimer
2007 Robert J. Fornango Structural changes and neighborhood homicide trends in St. Louis, Missouri, 1980--2000: A multi-level and spatial analysis Rick Rosenfeld*
Eric Baumer
Beth Huebner
Glenn Deane
2007 Daniel Isom II Effects of constituent influence on pursuit policy decisions: A case study on the St. Louis Police Department policy David Klinger*
Beth Huebner
Scott Decker
James Gilsinan
2007 Timothy Maher Cops on the make: officers' views on the nature and extent of police sexual misconduct and how to control it Richard Wright*
Beth Huebner
Scott Decker
2007 Chris E. Melde Peer-group composition and the perceived risk of victimization: modeling fear of crime in a school-based sample Finn Esbensen*
Beth Huebner
Eric Stewart
L. Thomas Winfree
2006 Adam Watkins Isolating student, school, and community effects on school weapon carrying Scott Decker*
Eric Baumer
Rick Rosenfeld
Eric Stewart
Pamela Wilcox
2006 Adam M. Bossler Testing fundamental control balance theory propositions: examining the causes/correlates of control balance ratios. general deviance, and deviant acts within ranges of control balance desirability David Klinger*
Eric Baumer
Beth Huebner
Charles Tittle
2006 Toya Like Separate and unequal risks for victimization? An examination of city-level conditions on victimization risks Janet Lauritsen*
Eric Baumer
Bob Bursik
Ruth Peterson
2005 Lynn S. Urban The deterrent effect of curfew enforcement: Operation Nightwatch in St. Louis Scott Decker*
G. David Curry
Finn Esbensen
Beth Huebner
2005 Jeff Rojek Organizing to manage risk: the operations of a police tactical unit David Klinger*
Scott Decker
Jody Miller
Paul Roth
2005 Stephen Schnebly Community variation in the nature of crime reporting Eric Baumer*
Janet Lauritsen
David Klinger
William Wells
2005 Thomas Holt Hacks, cracks, and crime: An examination of the subculture and social organization of computer hackers Jody Miller*
Scott Decker
G. David Curry
Vicki Sauter
2004 Chris Mullins Masculinities, street life, and violence: a qualitative secondary examination Jody Miller*
Richard Wright
Rick Rosenfeld
George McCall
2004 Dennis M. Mares Civilization, economic change, and trends in interpersonal violence Rick Rosenfeld*
Scott Decker
Richard Wright
Gerda Ray
2004 Shannan Catalano An examination of the convergence between police recording and victim reporting of serious violent crime, 1973-2002 Janet Lauritsen*
Rick Rosenfeld
Bob Bursik
Bryan Marshall
2003 Arlen Egley Levels of involvement: differences between gang, gang-marginal, and nongang youth G. David Curry*
Scott Decker
Bob Bursik
Jody Miller
Robert Calsyn
2003 Noelle E. Fearn Community context and sentencing decisions: a multilevel analysis Eric Baumer*
Bob Bursik
Scott Decker
George McCall
2003 Ann Dirks-Linhorst An evaluation of a family court diversion program for delinquent youth with chronic mental health needs G. David Curry*
Janet Lauritsen
Bob Bursik
Lia Nower
2003 Timothy M. Bray The effect of socioeconomic disadvantage and racial isolation on neighborhood homicide Rick Rosenfeld*
Eric Baumer
Bob Bursik
Carol Kohfeld
2002 Elicka Peterson Varieties of self-help in intimate partner homicide Rick Rosenfeld*
Janet Lauritsen
Richard Wright
George McCall
2002 Richard K. Ruddell The influences of social disruption, social isolation and political disaffection on adult imprisonment trends Eric Baumer*
Scott Decker
Norman White
Rick Rosenfeld
Terry Jones
2001 M. Dyan McGuire Issues of equal protection and due process: race and gender correlates in Missouri's application of pretrial detention to juvenile offenders Janet Lauritsen*
Richard Wright
Jody Miller
Kimberly Kempf
2001 Lisa L. Sample The social construction of the sex offender Rick Rosenfeld*
Richard Wright
Bruce Jacobs
Paul Roth
2001 George W. Burruss The impact of defense counsel on the juvenile court workgroup Scott Decker*
G. David Curry
Norman White
George McCall

Dissertation proposals defended/Dissertations in progress

Year Name Dissertation Title Committee (*Chair)
2018 Saundra Trujillo A Dynamic Approach to Understanding Immigration, Ethnicity, and Violent Crime in Chicago Communities Finn Esbensen*
Adam Boessen*
Stephanie DiPietro
Charis Kubrin
Maria Velez
2017 Joshua Williams Assessing the Impact of County-level Factors on Pretrial Detention Decisions Michael Campbell*
Richard Rosenfeld
Lee Ann Slocum
John Wooldredge
2017 Aaron Levin Understanding Micro-Spatial Crime Patterns: A Comprehensive Trajectory Analysis of Crime at Street Segments in St. Louis, MO Janet Lauritsen*
Richard Rosenfeld
Adam Boessen
Elizabeth Groff
2016 Amanda Bolton Perceptions of Family of Origin and Intimate Partner Relationships' Role in Women's Views of Their Own Drug Use, Manufacturing, and Distribution Elaine Eggleston Doherty*
Stephanie DiPietro
Terrance J. Taylor
Jody Miller