
Common Searches

Thank You Letter

It is a common courtesy to thank people who have helped you, so be sure to send a thank you letter to each networking contact who shares time, advice or contact names with you.

Send a thank you letter to the employer after a job or internship interview to express appreciation for their time and to resell your strengths and aptitudes.

Use the thank-you letter to reinforce your candidacy, reiterate key points, and make a positive impression on the interviewer. Many job candidates do not take the time to write thank-you letters, so by writing one you will give yourself a competitive edge.

The interview follow-up thank you letter will recap key qualifications and express enthusiasm about joining the company. In addition, use it to mention skills that you now know are an asset to the position and/or to overcome any objections mentioned. All your job search communication should carry the same message as your resume: you are skilled, qualified and an employable person with lots to offer.

It is okay to email thank you letters, although the hand-touch of a written letter 

Sample Thank You Letter

Edward Nelson
One University Blvd.
St. Louis, MO 63121

January 15, 2021

Richard Lionheart, Engineering Manager
Suncoast Systems, Inc.
100 South Blvd.
St. Louis, MO 63121

Dear Mr. Lionheart,

Thank you for taking so much time on Friday to tell me about the engineering opportunities at Suncoast Systems. 

I am excited about working on your leading-edge power systems and believe that my engineering education and co-op experiences have prepared me well to be a productive member of your company.

As we discussed during our meeting, I made significant contributions to several key projects at Simco Systems and Apex Environmental. After a brief orientation, I quickly became a contributing member of the design team and enjoyed adding my abilities to the group projects while continuously learning from senior engineers.

I am committed to working hard and doing my best in every endeavor. I would like to help Suncoast Systems become an even more successful company.

You mentioned that you would get back to me next week about the next step in the interviewing process. I look forward to hearing from you.


Edward Nelson