
Cover Letter

Always include a cover letter and resume with each job application. Many job seekers put a great deal of effort into creating a “perfect” resume and neglect to create a cover letter that is just as polished. A cover letter is another opportunity to convince an employer that you are the best candidate for a particular job. To attend a workshop about resume and interview skills, visit Career Services, 278 Millennium Student Center, or call (314) 516-5111.



  • Every resume sent should be accompanied by a one page cover letter
  • Cover letters should be individually typed (not copied) and addressed to specific person if possible
  • Resumes and cover letters get a 30-60 second read - make it easy for them to understand your value
  • Limit paragraphs to 3-4 short simple sentences, and use spell check
  • Include the date, your personal address and phone number, a work phone number if appropriate, and an email address if you check it daily
  • Use appropriate salutation: "Dear Mr. or Ms."
  • Use correct name, title, company name, and address—call to verify information if unsure
  • Close your letter with an appropriate business closing: "Sincerely,"
  • Type your name leaving space above it for your signature

First Paragraph - Introduction

  • Why you are writing
  • How you found out about this position - mention source of lead, i.e. Career Services, newspaper, or person who referred you

Second Paragraph - Sell Yourself

  • Summarize your abilities and education, introduce yourself in terms of your skills and qualifications
  • State why you are interested in the position
  • Tie your interests and talents to the qualifications for the job
  • Refer to your attached resume

Third Paragraph - Show Your Interest

  • Explain how your experience and skills can benefit the company
  • Describe specific accomplishments or skills that relate to the position
  • Mention special personal qualities
  • Be sure to tell the employer what you can do for the organization rather than what the organization can do for you

Note: It is okay to combine paragraph two and three by selling yourself and showing your interest in one paragraph

Last Paragraph - Closing

  • Repeat your interest and match for the position
  • Specify plan of action, i.e. when you will call for an interview appointment, or that you will wait for their response
  • Thank the employer for their consideration of your qualifications for this position
  • Restate your contact information

Thank You Letter

  • Don't forget to send a thank you letter after the interview. It can be what gets you the job!

Sample Cover Letter

David P. Ross
899 Northeast Avenue
St. Louis, MO 63128
(314) 555-5555

April 29, 2024

Ms. Mary Jones, College Recruiting Coordinator
ChemSpec Inc.
11459 Jones Parkway
St. Louis, MO 63033

Dear Ms. Jones:

Please consider my application for the position of Sales Representative at ChemSpec Inc. I saw this position on Triton Careers through the University of Missouri-St. Louis Career Services office.

As a candidate for the job, I offer you excellent organizational skills. I demonstrated my ability to organize when I served as chair of my fraternity’s rush program. During that year, I increased the number of pledges by 20% over the previous year.

Additionally, while selling ads for the UMSL Current student newspaper I developed knowledge of our advertising market. My strategy in selling ads consisted of contacting past advertisers and targeting merchants patronized by UMSL students. I added six new advertising customers during my first term on the job.

I would like to talk with you about my qualifications for the job and my interest in ChemSpec Inc. Thank you for considering my qualifications.


David P. Ross


Download PDF of Sample Cover Letter