Always include a cover letter and resume with each job application. Many job seekers put a great deal of effort into creating a “perfect” resume and neglect to create a cover letter that is just as polished. A cover letter is another opportunity to convince an employer that you are the best candidate for a particular job. To attend a workshop about resume and interview skills, visit Career Services, 278 Millennium Student Center, or call (314) 516-5111.
- Every resume sent should be accompanied by a one page cover letter
- Cover letters should be individually typed (not copied) and addressed to specific person if possible
- Resumes and cover letters get a 30-60 second read - make it easy for them to understand your value
- Limit paragraphs to 3-4 short simple sentences, and use spell check
- Include the date, your personal address and phone number, a work phone number if appropriate, and an email address if you check it daily
- Use appropriate salutation: "Dear Mr. or Ms."
- Use correct name, title, company name, and address—call to verify information if unsure
- Close your letter with an appropriate business closing: "Sincerely,"
- Type your name leaving space above it for your signature
First Paragraph - Introduction
- Why you are writing
- How you found out about this position - mention source of lead, i.e. Career Services, newspaper, or person who referred you
Second Paragraph - Sell Yourself
- Summarize your abilities and education, introduce yourself in terms of your skills and qualifications
- State why you are interested in the position
- Tie your interests and talents to the qualifications for the job
- Refer to your attached resume
Third Paragraph - Show Your Interest
- Explain how your experience and skills can benefit the company
- Describe specific accomplishments or skills that relate to the position
- Mention special personal qualities
- Be sure to tell the employer what you can do for the organization rather than what the organization can do for you
Note: It is okay to combine paragraph two and three by selling yourself and showing your interest in one paragraph
Last Paragraph - Closing
- Repeat your interest and match for the position
- Specify plan of action, i.e. when you will call for an interview appointment, or that you will wait for their response
- Thank the employer for their consideration of your qualifications for this position
- Restate your contact information
Thank You Letter
- Don't forget to send a thank you letter after the interview. It can be what gets you the job!
Sample Cover Letter
David P. Ross
899 Northeast Avenue
St. Louis, MO 63128
(314) 555-5555
April 29, 2024
Ms. Mary Jones, College Recruiting Coordinator
ChemSpec Inc.
11459 Jones Parkway
St. Louis, MO 63033
Dear Ms. Jones:
Please consider my application for the position of Sales Representative at ChemSpec Inc. I saw this position on Triton Careers through the University of Missouri-St. Louis Career Services office.
As a candidate for the job, I offer you excellent organizational skills. I demonstrated my ability to organize when I served as chair of my fraternity’s rush program. During that year, I increased the number of pledges by 20% over the previous year.
Additionally, while selling ads for the UMSL Current student newspaper I developed knowledge of our advertising market. My strategy in selling ads consisted of contacting past advertisers and targeting merchants patronized by UMSL students. I added six new advertising customers during my first term on the job.
I would like to talk with you about my qualifications for the job and my interest in ChemSpec Inc. Thank you for considering my qualifications.
David P. Ross