Below is a list of scholarships available to students enrolled in the College of Business Administration. You may apply for these and other campus scholarships via the Office of Financial Aid scholarship application page.

Anheuser-Busch Employees Scholarship

Arthur Mayer Scholarship

Asset Consulting Group scholarship

Barbara and Bernard Kohm Scholarship in Business

Belvia I. Smith and David W. Smith Memorial Business School Scholarship

Chunn Family Scholarship

College of Business Administration Alumni Association Scholarship

CoBA Strong Scholarship

CSI Leasing Scholarship

Dale & Tanya Woods Annual Scholarship

Dilg Family Scholarship

Don and Mary Mueth Scholarship

Donald H. Driemeier Business Scholarship

Dynalabs Scholarship

Ed G. Smith Scholarship for Sigma Active Members Scholarship

Edward Jones Alumni Scholarship

Emery C. Turner Business Scholarship

Enterprise Opportunity Driver Scholarship

Entrepreneurial Studies Scholarship

Faculty and Friends Undergraduate Scholarship in Business and Economics

Friends of the College of Business Administration Scholarship

J. Cole Award

Jay H. Nilson Memorial Scholarship

Joan Phillips and Carlos Hernandez Scholarship

Joe and Marie Porter Scholarship

John and Helen Martinich Student-Athlete Scholarship

Keith J. and Ruth Hollander Elliott Scholarship in Business Administration

Keith J. and Ruth Hollander Elliott Need-Based Undergraduate Scholarship in Business Administration

Lyle & Charlene Brizendine CoBA Scholarship

Lyle & Peggy Gilbertson Scholarship

Maritz Jubilee Scholarship

Pastor Mary A. Miller Annual Scholarship in Business

Randy Sanderson Scholarship

Realista and Haack Family Fund Scholarship

Sandra A. and Virgil V. Van Trease Endowed Scholarship In the College of Business Administration

Sandra and Virgil Van Trease Reach for Excellence Scholarship in Business Administration

Schuermann Family Scholarship

Sharon and Dale Fiehler Scholarship 

Stanley and Terry Freerks Scholarship annual Scholarship in Business

Steven Novic Scholarship in Business

Winchester Family Scholarship

For more information about these awards and scholarships, contact Sherry Fantroy-Ross at (314) 516-5883.