ASCM Case Competition
Save the date! The Supply Chain & Analytics Department and SCR3 are partnering with the Association of Supply Chain Management Professionals (ASCM) to host a supply chain case competition with the Supply Chain & Analytics Department. Undergraduate students from regional universities are invited to gain practical experience solving real-world supply chain challenges, improving their problem-solving, analytical, and communication skills.
Supply Chain Case Competition Info
SPSP Crisis Management Workshop
The center partnered with COBA Executive Education, SPSP — Society of Product Safety Professionals, and ADK Information Services, LLC. To host the 2023 Crisis Management Conference with the Society of Product Safety Professionals. The conference provided expert insights into identifying and responding to crisis situations by providing professionals with formal training and networking opportunities.
NASA-Acres Kickoff
The center was honored to host NASA-Acres as they kick off their mission to bring Earth observation data down to Earth. NASA-Acres is NASA’s U.S.-focused agriculture and food security program that focuses on applying satellite Earth observation information to the most U.S. agricultural and food security.
Congratulations Erin Fox for placing Top 10 at Cargill Inc.
This summer, Erin Fox, Supply Chain Management Major interned at Cargill, Marshall MO.
Ms. Fox’s faculty sponsor over the Summer was Michael Edwards, Adjunct Professor, Department of Supply Chain and Analytics.
In her role, Erin worked independently on operations management improvements in the plant. This included a 5S methodology study, created a freezer capacity tool which was implemented, performed time studies and kaizen brainstorming events. Her work and recommendations were well received by plant management and employees.
She was able to visit other Cargill plants in California, MO and three Nebraska plants in Columbus, Schuyler and Nebraska City.
Professor Edwards visited Erin at the Marshall plant and received excellent feedback from plant management on the quality of her work and the intention to continue internship programs with UMSL.
At the end of Erin’s internship, she was invited to an Intern send-off event in Wichita KS. There were about 125 interns from around the United States present. She was asked to present a poster of her work experience. Various Cargill leaders acted as judges. Erin made it into the Top 10 and then was selected as the presentation winner, whereby she received $1000.
Congratulations Erin!
2023 Caterpillar Tour
The St. Louis Chapter of the Transportation Research Forum (TRF) hosted a multi-institutional industrial tour of Caterpillar’s Peoria, Illinois Global Parts Depot and Manufacturing Plant Building SS which assembles D-6,D-10 and D-11 bulldozers for commercial and military use.
Students and faculty from St. Louis University, Southern Illinois University -Edwardsville, University of Missouri – St. Louis and Western Illinois University all participated in the tour. Dr. Honey Zimmerman, UMSL DBA alumni and now Assistant Professor of Supply Chain Management at Western Illinois, organized the event along with TRF Chapter President Michael Edwards, UMSL Adjunct Professor, Department of Supply Chain and Analytics.
Twenty-nine (29) students participated in the event.
After the tours, students were treated to a lunch and presentation by Mr. Robert Sinkler, Director, Water Resources Infrastructure, Heart of Illinois Regional Port District (TRANSPort) and Tri-State Corn Belt Ports Executive Coordinating Director.
Mr. Sinkler ‘s presentation was about the creation of the Upper Mississippi River Corn Belts Ports district and the importance of Illinois and Mississippi waterways in rural transportation and logistics.
Formed in 1958, The Transportation Research Forum (TRF) is an independent organization of transportation professionals. Its purpose is to provide an impartial meeting ground for carriers, shippers, government officials, consultants, university researchers, suppliers, and others seeking an exchange of information and ideas related to both passenger and freight transportation. The Forum provides pertinent and timely information to those who conduct research and those who use and benefit from research.
The St. Louis Chapter was formed in 2018 under the leadership of Dr. Jill Bernard Bracy. The Chapter hosted the 63rd Annual Conference in 2022 and will host the 66th Annual Conference in 2025.
The Chapter Board consists of faculty representatives from the University of Missouri – Columbia, Lindenwood University, Washington University, St. Louis University, Southern Illinois University-Edwardsville, Western Illinois University and the University of Missouri – St. Louis.
2023 Convergence Conference - SAVE THE DATE
Save the date and join us and at the 2023 Convergence Conference!
This is an excellent opportunity to know about supply chain trends, best logistics practices, and network. We are looking forward to seeing you there.
Missouri Center for Transportation Innovation (MCTI) met with the Missouri Highways and Transportation Commission in Jefferson City on February 8th to present “Three Years of Driving Innovation in Missouri
Happy to have met with the U.S. Secretary of Transportation, Pete Buttigieg, and MCTI members at the University of Missouri-Kansas City last week. We keep working on innovative approaches to improve the sustainability and equity of transportation and infrastructure!
Our research is going beyond and reaching to the STL community
We are pleased to start this new year by disseminating our research, "Ensuring a Resilient St. Louis: Mitigating Supply Chain Risk During COVID-19 and Beyond". Dr. Matias G. Enz was interviewed by St. Louis Public Radio about this research and other projects that SCR3 is working on.
Read here

Senator Williams: an inspiration for the superheroes of the future
On December 7th, Senator Brian Williams and Mr. Robert Arbuthnot met with the UMSL business students to talk about the importance of leadership and service, not only in the professional but the personal contexts. We thank them for inspiring our students, “superheroes of the future”, to use these powers and put them into practice for the benefit of the society we live in.
We also thank the Supply Chain and Transportation Club for making this gathering possible.
Supply Chain and Analytics Symposium: Supply Chain Risk and Resilience
Supply Chain industry leaders, academics, and students joined the Supply Chain and Analytics Symposium: Supply Chain Risk and Resilience at UMSL. We had the opportunity to share perspectives and understand deeper some of the changes and challenges the pandemic created and boosted.
Thanks to Meghan Meurer at UniGroup , Professor Matias G. Enz , Jessica Stephan at Bunge , Professor Trilce Encarnacion, Mark Feliciano at Graybar , and Professor Temidayo Akenroye, PhD . for their presentations and insights.
Register for the Supply Chain and Analytics Symposium: Supply Chain Risk and Resilience
Register today for our Supply Chain & Analytics Symposium! Please join us on Friday, December 2nd for presentations on Supply Chain Risk by Meghan Meurer at UniGroup , Professor Matias G. Enz , Jessica Stephan at Bunge , Professor Trilce Encarnacion, Mark Feliciano at Graybar , and Professor Temidayo Akenroye, PhD .
23rd Annual CSCMP St. Louis Roundtable Seminar
Last Thursday, faculty members and graduate students from the Department of Supply Chain and Analytics at the University of Missouri St. Louis College of Business joined the CSCMP St. Louis Roundtable Annual Seminar in which Dave O'Toole , Jon Mosher , Adam James , and Trey Griggs , experts in logistics and supply chain, shared their views about trends and innovations in supply chain management.
CSCMP CEE Supply Chain Conference hosted by the Kozminski University and the CSCMP - Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals - Central Europe Chapter
On October 27th, 2022, on behalf of the Supply Chain Risk and Resilience Research Institute and the University of Missouri-St. Louis, Dr. Bernard Bracy, and other top academics and industry leaders were part of a panel in which supply chain, risk, resilience, and future actions were the scope.
Thanks to the Kozminski University and the CSCMP - Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals - Central Europe Chapter for the invite.
Panel "Recruiting, Training, and Hiring: Thinking Outside the Box to Find & Retain Supply Chain & Logistics Talent" at the NDTA-USTRANSCOM Fall Meeting
During the NDTA-USTRANSCOM Fall Meeting (October 17-20, 2022), Dr. Jill Bernard Bracy, PhD , Basia S. , Cindy Mebruer , Taunia Mason , and Caitlin Murphy discussed "Recruiting, Training, and Hiring: Thinking Outside the Box to Find & Retain Supply Chain & Logistics Talent".
Thanks to the National Defense Transportation Association Headquarters (NDTA) and USTRANSCOM for the meeting and opening space to discuss this critical topic.
Guest Lectures on Sustainable Practices and Corporate Social Responsibility within the Supply Chain from Africa's context
During a week, we had the pleasure of having Dr. Marcus Ambe as a visiting academic in SCR3. He is a Professor of Supply Chain Management at the Univeristy of South Africa ( UNISA) and President of the African Institute for Supply Chain Research - AISCR.
Dr. Ambe shared his insights about the current sustainable practices adopted within the supply chain after the COVID-19 pandemic in Africa with our faculty members and Ph.D. students at UMSL, and Corporate Social Responsibility with our graduate students.
Thank you, and welcome to the #teamSCR3 , Professor Ambe!
Chancellor's Award for Excellence in Research and Creativity
Our director, Dr. Zsidisin, received the Chancellor's Award for Excellence in Research and Creativity on September 1, 2022. He is a "pioneer in advancing knowledge and practice in the domain of supply chain risk and is widely regarded as a highly prolific and influential researcher".
Save the date - CSCMP 23rd Annual St. Louis Roundtable Conference
Join the #teamSCR3 at the CSCMP St. Louis Roundtable - 23rd Annual Conference on November 3, 2022 . All skill levels are welcome to gain professional education, personal growth, and networking opportunities.
Seats are limited, so save the date!
Guest Lectures on Supply Chain and Short Supply Chain from Poland's context
During a week, we had the pleasure of having Dr. Sebastian Jarzebowski as a visiting academic in SCR3. He is a Professor and Director at the Logistics & SCM Center at Kozminski University and the President of the Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals (CSCMP) Poland.
Prof. Jarzebowski shared his insights about the current Supply Chain in Poland with our undergraduate business students at UMSL and Short Supply Chains with our Supply Chain and Analytics Faculty members and our graduate students.
Thank you, and welcome to the #teamSCR3 , Professor Jarzebowski!

Inaugural Best Paper Award at IPSERA
Professor George Zsidisin presented the inaugural SCR3 best paper award on supply chain risk and resilience at the 30 th Annual International Purchasing and Supply Education Research Association ( IPSERA ) conference in Jonkoping, Sweden on April 11, 2022. The authors, Esmee Peters, Louise Knight, Kees Boersma, and Niels Uenk, in their manuscript titled “Managing medical product supply in times of crisis: a high-reliability perspective on the case of the Netherlands,” studied supply chain resilience in Dutch organizations supplying of medical equipment during COVID-19. Their findings suggest the medical supply network in the Netherlands cannot currently be identified as a High-Reliability Network (HRN), but HRN characteristics do provide learning opportunities for improvements within the medical supply network. A video of the award can be found here.
The 2022 Transportation Research Forum Awardees
Congratulations to all of the 2022 Transportation Research Forum Awardees including Drs. Michael Adjemian and William Wilson, winners of the John W. “Jack” Barriger Research Award sponsored by SCR3 for their outstanding risk and resiliency research entitled “Recent Surges in Ocean Transportation Rates and their effects on Grains and Selected Agri-food Product Markets”.
Guest Lecture in Supply Chain Risk and Resilience
On March 7, 2022, we had the pleasure of Mr. Chris Jackson, VP Operations and IT, Chervon (NA), sharing his insights on supply chain risk and resilience with our supply chain graduate students at UMSL. Thank you, Mr. Jackson!
The 2022 St. Louis International Business Night, February 15

Executive Panel Session on Supply Chains in International Business
63rd Annual International Meeting of the Transportation Research Forum
Make sure to attend the 2022 Transportation Research Forum at UM - St. Louis
Click on the poster above for more information.
What's behind supply chain bottlenecks and is there an end in sight?
"A local supply chain expert is optimistic about the future"
Professor George Zsidisin gave a very insightful interview with KSDK (5 ON YOUR SIDE) about how COVID-19 impacted the supply chain and how it will impact the holidays.
Click here to watch the full interview!
Missouri Governor’s Conference on Economic Development September 9, 2021
Professor Zsidisin recently gave a presentation on “The Future of Supply Chains: Technology, Infrastructure, and Labor” at the Missouri Governor’s Conference on Economic Development in Kansas City, MO on September 9, 2021. Recent global events such as the COVID-19 pandemic have revealed to the greater public how critical logistics and supply chains are for societies to function and advance. The session provided insight on how evolving technologies, shifting structures, and the changing roles of humans in the supply chain may develop in sustaining future societal needs.
George A. Zsidisin Professor and Director of the Supply Chain Risk and Resilience Research (SCR3) will be part of this insightful conference on November 18th, 2021 at the Hotel ARCHE Krakowska 237, Warsaw
Professor Zsidisin’s research focuses on how firms assess and manage risk associated with supply disruptions and price volatility in their supply chains. He has published over 80 research and practitioner articles and seven books, including Supply Chain Risk: A Handbook on Assessment, Management and Performance ; Managing Commodity Price Volatility: A Supply Chain Management Perspective ; Handbook for Supply Chain Risk Management: Case Studies, Effective Practices, and Emerging Trends; and Revisiting Supply Chain Risk
The Supply Chain Risk and Resilience Research Institute sponsored a booth at the 2021 Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals (CSCMP) EDGE conference

The Supply Chain Risk and Resilience Research Institute sponsored a booth at the 2021 Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals (CSCMP) EDGE conference held in Atlanta, GA from September 18-21. During the conference, we shared information about SCR3, spoke with many supply chain professionals attending the conference, and even held a raffle in giving away a drone!
Dr. Bernard Bracy was awarded the first Chancellor's Award for Sustained Excellence in Online Teaching at the State of the University
Dr. Bernard Bracy was awarded the first Chancellor's Award for Sustained Excellence in Online Teaching at the State of the University address in September 2021. The award is given to a faculty member who shows evidence consistent with the priorities and goals outlined in the UMSL Strategic Plan, demonstrating accomplishment and sustained excellence in online teaching.
- World Wide Technology
- Amazon Web Services
- Schnucks Markets
- St. Louis City Soccer Club
- Weekends Only
- Telesto Group
- Ameren
Winner of the 2020 Durand Award
The Faculty Research and Development Committee received a number of excellent and very competitive applications for the Douglas Durand Award for Research Excellence, for both the 2020 time frame and the 2021 time frame.
We are happy and proud to announce that the winner of The 2020 Durand Award is Professor George Zsidisin.
Click here to listen to Dr. Zsidisin on St.Louis Public Radio, talking about the Supply Chain industry possibilities
How COVID-19 Impacts the Supply Chain in Missouri Companies
Part I
Part II
The Supply Chain Risk and Resilience Research Institute sponsored a booth at the 2021 Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals (CSCMP) EDGE conference held in Atlanta, GA from September 18-21. During the conference, we shared information about SCR3, spoke with many supply chain professionals attending the conference, and even held a raffle in giving away a drone!