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Advanced IST Lab

IST Computer Lab

The IST department provides a laboratory for exclusive use by students in IST courses. The lab is located in Room 200 Express Scripts Hall (ESH).

This lab provides access to all tools used in the IST curriculum. Only IST students can access this Lab.

Students must swipe student identification cards to gain access to the room and use their campus SSOIDs to login.

Lab Hours
Monday - Thursday 7:30 am - midnight
Friday 7:30 am - 11 pm
Saturday 7:30 am - 8 pm
Sunday 7:30 am - 10 pm

IST Lab Access

Request Access to the IST lab, report access issues, make suggestions, or let us know if you're having any other issues in the lab.

Request access / Report access issues

Suggestions / Report Lab issues

IST Lab Policies

  • The Advanced IS Computing Lab is available to UMSL IST students and faculty only.
  • Always apply normal standards of academic ethics and polite conduct to your use of computing facilities.
  • Please report any software or hardware problems using either the forms in the Lab or the  form available on the Web. Your assistance helps keep the lab in good operation.
  • Manuals and related materials are not to be removed from the Lab.
  • The Lab is intended for educational purposes. Use of equipment for a private enterprise is strictly prohibited. Please have respect for the equipment and others around you. Limit personal computing actives as not to interfere with other users wanting to use the facilities for legitimate reasons.
  • All software available in the Lab is protected by federal copyright law. Copying of proprietary and licensed software is prohibited. Do not copy software from lab computers. Violation of copyright law or licensing agreements may result in university disciplinary action and/or legal action.
  • Do not install software on Lab computers. Installing non-licensed software on Lab computers would place UMSL in violation of copyright law.
  • User data files should not be stored on individual machine hard drives.The Lab telephone is for on-campus and local calls only.
  • All conditions of the  University of Missouri System and UMSL Acceptable Use Policy hold in this Lab.
  • All policies related to network use, information security, etc. listed on the campus IT/Security policies page also apply to the IST Lab.